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A little teaser for you all, updates should start by the new year ;)

TW's: Anxiety, Asphyxiation, etc.



Cries of agony pierced the air. They were later followed by the sounds of sobbing. Someone was in immense emotional or physical pain and was letting it tear a hole in the quiet night air.

I made my way through the tall grasses of the meadow before me. As the cries got louder, my steps slowed as something like this had occurred once before.

Grass was rustling slightly ten feet in front of me. My hand flicked to my side, feeling for a weapon but coming up empty-handed.

I put my weight down on my next step and a loud crunch followed.

The cries and rustling stopped, causing my breath to hitch in my lungs. My eyes were flicking around frantically but I continued on and took another step forward.

"Hello?" I whispered into the night.

There was no response which was no consolation to me in the slightest. Despite the silence, I continued forward towards where the noise had been coming from.

No response. I took another step, to no response, and then another. There was no response and I carefully made my way to the divot in the grass.

I slowly pulled away the grass that was curtaining whatever was down there and was suddenly knocked back by a blur of black, white, and purple. Claw-like fingers wrapped around and dug into my neck, constricting my windpipe.

I desperately tried to get whatever this was to let me go, begging for my life, for mercy, anything. Tears blurred my vision, causing me only to see a horrendously distorted view of this creature.

Slowly, its grip loosened and air returned to my lungs. It gently stroked my cheek, wiping away my tears. A slight sizzling noise followed and there was a burning smell in the air.

"Who are you?" I rasped to it, wiping the tears from my eyes.

It was gone.


A teaser/prologue because you all deserve it after all the support I received from the first book!


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