"I still can't believe it. I mean I've already been though this once before with Buck. But seeing y/n walk off the plane talking to Nat... that brought me right back to school. Seeing her around high school taking to her friends then seeing Buck and I and she would say bye to her friend and walk over to us. But if I know y/n she is a fighter and is strong. She will do absolutely anything for her friends and her loved ones. I just hope she hasn't lost herself too much along the way" Steve said leaning back in his seat.

"I got to say. When I saw her walking off the ramp and heard her scream... I almost didn't want to believe it at first. And then she started to faint and I just ran to catch her. She looked so peaceful and tired in my arms. But she still looked exhausted like she hadn't slept in ages. But this morning she looked so well rested. I'm just so happy that I have her back... I mean I think I have her back? I want to go back to the way we were before everything. But I don't know if we can, we both have bee through so much." Bucky responded.

"Well, I don't if you will be able to get back to the way you were before all of this. But, do you want to? I mean do you want to forget everything and pretend nothing has changed. I'm sure the two of you can create something just as strong. From what the two of you have said about her it sounds like you had a really strong bond. A bond that even time, a bunch of mad scientists and cryo can't break. I think all of you just need time to get to know each other again. Time to figure out how to navigate everything and start anew here and now" Sam responded.

"Buck you know y/n, she takes everything in her stride and is stubborn. She is going to want to move forward and reconnect with us." Steve reassured Bucky.

"It will take time. I would be happy to help with the process if you want" Sam offered

"Thanks Sam, I wonder if it would be helpful for her to have someone to talk to about everything. Maybe Natasha could help. She seems to have an established relationship with her. I think it would be helpful for her to have someone to talk too. I know it helped for me talking to Steve." Bucky thanked Sam. As much as Sam annoyed him at times he did have a good insight into somethings.

Sam looked at his watch. "I got to run. I have to run a group therapy session at the VA in an hour. See the two of you tomorrow" Sam got up and left the room.


"I've got to say. This place is pretty impressive. How is this place funded?" You said as you, Nat and Wanda walked outside.

"Tony funds the whole thing. All the money he inherited from his father and from Stark Industries. He uses the money from that to fund everything, including our suits, gear and healthcare. After he found out where the weapons his company were selling was going too he stopped selling weapons and changed direction." Nat replied.

"Inherited? When did Howard die?" You asked

"Umm.. 1991. It was a hit by Hydra, made to look like a car crash" Nat responded looking a little nervous.

"A hit? Why? Did Howard know something?" You ask.

"He figured out how to recreate the super solider serum. Hydra didn't like that and wanted to be the only ones with super soldiers running around. They used the Winter Solider to do the hit." Nat responded

"The Winter Solider... I heard that name once or twice when they had me. Wait James was the only other person that Hydra had under their control at that time. Was that him?" You responded.

"Yeah, Barnes was the Winter Soldier. But our friends in Wakanda managed to reverse the programming and now he is free from it." Nat said.

"So is the plan to contact those friends again to see if they can do the same for me?" You ask

TurtledoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora