Chapter 7

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(Citizens of mondstat pov)

Person 1: has anyone noticed kaeya and albedo have gotten really close recently?

Person 2: do you think there in love??

Person 1: Ew, that's disgusting if they are, there terrible knights. They are terrible examples.

Person 2: right?!

Person 3: ugh I can't stand seeing kaeya with albedo it makes me so jealous

Person 4: seriously why can't albedo just die?

Person 5: Nah kaeya should die
Albedos the best

Person 3 & 2: shut up person 5

~rumors around mondstat are being spread about kaeya and albedo being lovers but most of it's not so nice comments but only Kaeyas seemed to have noticed this~

(Albedos pov)
       I feel like Kaeyas starting to distance himself from me. Did I do something wrong? I don't think I did? I'm worried..  i think I'll see him today.
       I knocked on his door and pushed him to the ground and got on top of him, I didn't mean too I was just so angry. "Why are you ignoring me?" I said
       "Albedo." He said coldly "get off of me."
       My head spinned, his words hurt. Why is he saying this?
       "GET OFF OF ME!" He yelled shoving me aside. I was left crying on his floor as he left. People began to crowd around kaeya asking if he was okay. Why me? Kaeya... why are you doing this too me? No one even looked at me all they cared about was Kaeyas well being. My brain swirled and twisted painfully my stomach hurt from my nails clenching it. I passed out on the floor.

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