Under the sea

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Guess who they are going to see ursual the evil sea mother. Everyone thinks she is horror ursual has she has done nice things what no one knows like um like well there has to be something. The only problem is captain hook is scared of the water so she had the come to him. They sat her down ask her question and suddenly she began to cry she felt unwanted. Nobody likes her.she told morther gothel ariel has been killing and steal for people but no one does but me. Hook said come with use and we will find the villain and make them take it back.Ursual saying oh it is not snow whites villain she is still good gothel said "oh that is strange".we need to go aerial is here. What she has dark blue hair and full arm tattoos with lots of guns and bombs in her hand we need to go now she will kill use uraesl shout. Oh no hook has been shot and no he is in the water panicking but ursual helps him there she did one nice thing...

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