Chapter 13

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A/N Hi all, I apologise for not updating as I have been extremely busy, and when not, lazy. I did get back from vacation last week, but it has been stressful with Christmas and all, haha. Anyway I was wondering if you guys would like some more sPiCy things in the next chapter?.. Now, enjoy!!

Y/N was not sure how to feel about her life situation, although she was having a wonderful time with Miranda, her lover? Girlfriend? Boss.... She wasn't so sure about herself. She had always managed to bottle up all of her "past trauma" as her psychologist had said. And it was only now that she began to understand what he had meant. She never liked to think about her family, or schooling career, it was far too painful for her to endure.Though she couldn't help but wonder what her parents were doing now, where they were, if they still lived in that frightful little house down Cottage road. If her horrid school building still stands in its place, if anyone else besides her managed to escape that little town. Who knows? She shook the thoughts out of her head as she held down the button on her computer, waiting for the little light to turn off. She gathered her purse and her coat as Miranda stepped out of her own office, and glided towards her. My, my, what a sight. Y/N watched as Miranda's hips swung softly as she walked, how her eyes glistened underneath the single light that was still on. She truly was a sight that you could never get enough of. Y/N slid Miranda's coat off of it's hanger and slid it onto Miranda. She let her fingers softly trace Miranda's shoulders as she was wearing a sleeveless top, she curled them as the coat came up to her neck, and slowly pulled them away as Miranda adjusted the coat once more, with a slight shiver apon her from the touch of her assistant.

It had been two months, seventeen days since the little "thing" Miranda and herself have has been going on. Miranda had become more openhearted, and indulged in Y/N, rather than her work, (although that was still a major priority that she set aside plenty of time for,) and Y/N was simply there for Miranda, understanding her importance and valuing it. The two of them had grown incredibly closer, they were hardly two separate people anymore. Miranda got to visit her twins every second weekend at the park, which was not entirely satisfactory, but it was enough.

Roy pulled up at the townhouse and Miranda stepped out, Y/N followed. Roy winked softly at Y/N as she turned around quickly and gave a smile. Roy didn't know fully what was going on between them, but he had a fairly clear idea, and he was pleased to see Miranda finally, truly happy with someone in her life. Y/N slid off her pumps at the door and placed them beside it. Miranda walked upstairs into her bedroom to place her things down, Y/N followed. She gently pushed the door of Miranda's room open to reveal Miranda bending down to place her shoes away. Not a bad sight at all, Y/N smirked to herself. She sat down on the bed and waited for Miranda to join her. Miranda sat down and placed a small kiss onto Y/N's lips. "I was wondering darling," Y/N still trembled softly at the fact of being called "darling" or any pet name by Miranda, even now, "Would you like to perhaps stay here tonight, instead of heading back to your apartment so late, as per usual lately?" Miranda's fingers twined around one another in wait for an answer, Y/N acted as if she were thinking. "Of course my love, how could I say no to you?" Miranda smirked softly, "That now, would be a difficult task."

The two sat opposite one another as they both worked on separate tasks for work. Miranda flipped from page to page of the book, writing down occasional notes on things, while Y/N answered any emails she hadn't already. They did this listening to some quiet jazzy blues, so peaceful and content. A knock on the door disturbed them, Miranda checked her watch, 10:30pm, who on earth could be knocking at the door at this hour, she thought. "You'd better-" Miranda started, "I know love, it's okay." Y/N finished. She had to head upstairs into the bedroom, so that no-one would see her with Miranda outside of work, just to be safe. Miranda waited until Y/N was upstairs then she made her way to the door. She unlocked it to reveal her latest divorcee, Stephen. "What on earth are you doing here?" Stephen smirked softly, he stepped closer to Miranda. "I realised," He came even closer now, laying down a hand onto her arms, which were crossed in confusion and slight defense, "that what we did, was all a mistake Miranda, I still love you, and you beautiful body, my lord look at you!" He placed a hand around her waist and closed the door behind him, he put his legs around her and held her against a wall, gently, yet firmly. "Stephen! Stop this please."He eyed her up and down, he then began to slide his hands down her body and it was here Miranda drew the line. "Stephen you need to leave, now." She said as she pulled his hands off of her and stepped away from him. He tried to pull her in for a kiss, but she stepped away. He nodded in acceptance, supposedly. Miranda led him to the door and watched him walk down the stairs. Before she closed the door he turned and scowled at her, within his defeat. Miranda sighed and closed the door, she leaned against the door and let the tears escape from her eyes. She sobbed quietly and hugged herself as Y/N made her way down the stairs. "Miranda?" Y/N spotted her and immediately held her within her arms, tightly, Miranda stuttered trying to explain what happened throughout her tears. "I know Mir, I saw, and I heard, and I am sorry." Miranda and Y/N hugged one another in silence until Miranda released softly and thanked her. The two headed upstairs and the bathed and hopped into Miranda's king-sized bed. Y/N and Miranda both had their glasses perched apon their noses as they read their novels in silence. Y/N yawned softly and Miranda hummed in agreeance. " I am ready for sleep now as well I think." Miranda chuckled. Y/N smiled softly and placed her glasses onto the bedside table that was on her side, as Miranda did the same. They placed down their books, and switched off the lamps. Y/N rolled to the side that was closest to Miranda, whilst wearing the pair of pyjamas that Miranda had lent to her. Miranda faced Y/N and stroked her face softly with her milky white fingers. Y/N cupped Miranda's face and kissed her smooth lips, which were semi moist already. She then released from the kiss and they embraced one another into the bliss of sleep, where they would be safe from harm.

A/N Hello, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and Happy New Year to you all!! hopefully this next year will be much more enjoyable for us, I love and appreciate every single one of you beautiful souls. Lots of love, stay safe. xx

Her lover. -Miranda Priestly x Fem ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum