Chapter 12

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Although Miranda was known notoriously for being the "ice queen", there was undoubtedly something wrong with her after loosing custody of her girls. Y/N could see through the numbness of her face, deep inside her soul to where she was keeping all of her pain, Y/N wanted to take it away from her, so she could be happy, well, for Miranda anyway.

Miranda walked up to the end of the corridor of her office, waiting for Y/N to give her her coat, she let out a quick, soft, smile as Y/N slipped it onto her. As she tucked down Miranda's collar, she lent into the crevasse of her neck and whispered into her ear. "Would you like me to come over tonight?" Miranda turned to Y/N and softly replied, "That would be adequate thankyou Y/N," and with that she was gone. Y/N however waited for the book to arrive that night so she could deliver it along with herself to Miranda's house.

Roy dropped off Y/N to Miranda's townhouse. "Would you like me to wait to take you home miss Y/L/N?" Y/N smiled softly. "No it's okay Roy, I think I will just walk home thankyou." Roy nodded and slipped back inside of the car, driving off with the soft rev of the engine. Y/N let herself in with the key she had been supplied, she pushed open the wooden door softly and stepped onto the carpeted floor. She made her way down to Miranda's office, where she found her sitting on the leather loveseat in her usual robe sipping at a glass of chardonnay, accompanied by the bottle which was on the coffee table beside her. "Hello Miranda." Y/N said softly as not to startle her. Miranda looked up from her glass and smiled softly. "Darling, come, please." Y/N made her way to the loveseat and placed her purse and the book on the table, then taking a seat beside Miranda. Miranda placed an arm around the back of Y/N, stroking her back softly, she then crossed her legs which caused her silk robe to slide up slightly, revealing a slice of heaven that was her pearly thigh. Y/N's eyes widened at the sight, but she quickly cleared her throat and smiled at Miranda. Miranda smirked softly, but simply held her arms out in a welcoming position for a hug. Y/N scooched over on the loveseat and wrapped her arms warmly around Miranda, placing her nose in the crevasse of her neck, taking in a waft of her intoxicating perfume, that seemed to almost hypnotise Y/N anytime she got even the slightest smell of it. Miranda placed her head gently on Y/N's shoulder, she let out a single tear, letting the moistness of it soak into the pores of her skin. Miranda then released from the hug and took Y/N's face into her hands, cupping it, stroking it occasionally, lovingly. Miranda had never been this affectionate with anyone, especially not her husbands, that does explain a lot, however, Y/N... was different, she really cared for Miranda, and they had this, connection, Miranda did love her, but she couldn't bring herself to fathom what would happen if their relationship got out amongst the public.

Y/N poured the boiling water from the kettle into two mugs, then served them to Miranda and herself, to enjoy their tea whilst watching a movie. It was a romance, they both weren't particularly fond of romances as they both knew they all end up the exact same, with the stereotypical straight couple finally getting together, with some soppy "romantic" confession, however, they continued to watch romances regardless.

Miranda and Y/N sat next to one another, their legs were on top of one another, as neither of them payed full attention to the movie as they did other tasks. Miranda was working on her notes for the book, dealing with whatever incomprehensible thing the office that was Runway had come up with now, whilst Y/N sat doing some embroidery, the two of them had their glasses perched on the bridge on their noses whilst doing so.

As the movie came to a conclusion, Y/N stretched out her arms above her head, bringing them down to have one resting on Miranda's shoulder. Miranda looked up at her with her typical gaze which then turned into a soft chuckle. "So smooth Y/N, no one could ever compare." Miranda scoffed elongating the 'o'. Y/N let out a bright smile and lent over and crawled on top of Miranda, she gently rubbed their noses against one another before leaning in even closer and gently kissing her soft, plump lips. Miranda chuckled into the kiss, then deepened it as she wrapped an arm around the back of Y/N's neck. Y/N let out a soft sigh. Miranda grabbed Y/N with her other hand by the waist, flipping her around the other way, leaving herself on top. " You can never top me darling." Miranda said before leaving a trail of small love bites on Y/N's neck, leading up to her jawline where she then placed a series of soft kisses, trailing down to her lips once more, pressing them together passionately. She then traced her tongue along Y/N's lip, making Y/N allow her entrance into her mouth, letting their tongues engage in a movement unique to it's own, allowing them to express their love physically, beautifully.

Miranda eventually released, smiling down at Y/N who was now a flustered mess. She stood from where she was sitting and made her way to the kitchen where she soaked her mug, along with Y/N's in warm water, to be sure to get rid of the stain, and germ within them. Y/N smirked and chuckled softly at Miranda. "Such a flirt." She thought. It goes to show that you can never tell anything about a persons sex or love life just by looking at them, although Miranda did give off very high top energy, as Nigel had said to Y/N, but now Y/N knew that she clearly showed it too apparently. But being a flustered bottom herself, although claiming to be a switch, she was grateful for so.


Hi all! I know!! I haven't updated in a while, I have just been busy with exams is all, anyway,Could you all let me know if you'd like to see some sPiCy things in the next chapter perhaps, because I am sort of thinking about it but not sure haha. Hope you liked it! Lots of love, and stay safe my lovelies!!

Her lover. -Miranda Priestly x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now