3. spend time with them

Start from the beginning

"They're not the same. This one is bluer!"

Camilo squinted before shrugging.

"Nope, they're the same. I see no difference. I don't have your artist's eyes, remember. So, to me, those shades are just identical." Camilo had no idea why Y/N snuck into his house to ask such a simple question, but it made him feel a little bit more critical.

Y/N was warming up to him, which didn't take as long as he expected. But he wasn't complaining. She was making good progress in such little time.

"Aish, boys are so annoying!" Y/N placed the paint down before collapsing on Camilo's bed, "You can't tell the difference between paint!"

"Or maybe," Camilo walked over, flicking her forehead, "You have a special talent in painting. Anyway, why are you really here? I know you didn't just visit me to ask about paint colours." Y/N sighed, lying down.

"I'm scared." She admitted, "I rarely go out of the house. And, even if I'm wearing something to cover my face, I still feel frightened. I think everybody is talking bad about me, even though that's not the case. It's just, arg! It's just so annoying! I don't know why I think like this!" Y/N covered her face with her hands, throwing a little tantrum.

"That's why you snuck into the house? Oi, senorita (miss), there's no reason to be scared. I'll be with you the whole time, okay?" Camilo sat cross-legged beside Y/N, his usual smile plastered on his tan face.

"You promise you won't leave me?" Y/N didn't want to get stuck in the crowd, not again. Her brother lost her last time, and she had difficulty reuniting with him.

"Senorita (miss), I swear on my life that I will not leave your side at the market. Pinky swear," He held out his pinky finger, waiting for Y/N to intertwine hers with his. But, she only stared at him, dazed and confused.

"The colour of the swear is irrelevant." She muttered, "I'm serious." Camilo chuckled. He forgot Y/N didn't get out much. Perhaps her former Korean family used a different way to make promises.

"What I'm saying is that I promise I won't leave your side." He uttered, linking his arm with Y/N's, "Since it's dangerous at night, I should escort you back home. Come on, senorita, let's get going." Y/N soundlessly walked beside him, kicking a few pebbles.

"Do you call all girls nicknames?" She questioned, genuinely curious.

"No," Camilo nudged her with his elbow, "Only the pretty ones. And you, mi amor (my love), are the most beautiful of all." Y/N, not knowing whether to believe his charming words, just nodded. At least he wasn't saying any pickup lines because the last time she heard Andres say one to his ex-girlfriend, she cringed.

"Mi amor (my love), I have an idea. How about we explore the town square? It'll familiarise you with the surroundings, so you feel more comfortable at the market." Camilo suggested.

"But, won't it be dark? It's only around three or four right now." Y/N looked at the male through her lashes, observing the way his face shifted into a look of amusement.

"Mi amor (my love), the lanterns are on throughout the whole night." Camilo tugged Y/N towards the town square where the market took place every day. She looked around, amazed. It sure was enormous, more extensive than she last remembered it, at least.

Camilo suddenly crouched down, lifting Y/N with ease. She squeaked, taken by surprise. The teenager placed her on top of the fountain's circular wall before hopping up, joining her.

"Pretty, isn't it?" Camilo smiled, "And, tomorrow, they're going to have a firework festival. You ought to be there. It's beautiful. What do you say, mi amor, want to be my partner for the night?" He held out his hand, secretly crossing his fingers and mentally begging for Y/N to agree.

"Like, friends? Okay. You're my only friend, apart from Mirabel, of course." And, all the way in the Madrigal house, Dolores sat up in her bed. She rubbed her tired eyes, looking around.

"Huh, I thought I just heard the sound of a heart cracking. Oh well, must be nothing." She lay down, lulling herself back to sleep.

"Ah, yes, like friends, mi amor (my love)." Camilo smoothly played along, having to remind himself that he was going too quickly. Perhaps in a month or so, he could try again when he knew Y/N better and vice versa.

"I've never seen fireworks before. But I know they're loud. They wake me up sometimes when I'm in bed." Y/N murmured, "Andres tells me that they're lovely. What do you think, Camilo? What are fireworks like?" The middle child of Felix and Pepa smiled.

"Andres is right; they are stunning. They're loud at first, but the moment they shoot up into the air and explode, it's more beautiful than anything else. They light up the night sky, and you can't help but admire them." Y/N perceived the way Camilo's eyes lit up, concluding that fireworks were a lovely phenomenon that she couldn't miss. She wasn't a huge fan of loud noises, but with Camilo beside her, perhaps she could endure it. And, she was curious. She wanted to participate in the festival, see fireworks, eat delicious stall food, and mess around with Mirabel, her brother, and Camilo.

"You'll come, right?" Camilo questioned, "I'd hate to be lonely. Plus, who'll keep me entertained?"

"I'll join you, but only for a short while."

"Great! I can't wait to spend more time with you, senorita (miss)! I am looking forward to it!"

Words: 1353
Date written: 21/12/2021


Senorita: Miss
Mi amor: My love

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