"Bunny, you're awake. How are you?" He asked and checked my body for any injuries, "Who is she?" Fury asked, "Our soulmate." They answered in unison.

"All I can say is Loki is being controlled by that stone inside the scepter. The mind stone." I stated and pointed at the scepter.

"And how did you know that?" Fury asked, "And we have to move now because any minute, Clint will attack us. He will hit one of the engines, specifically engine number 3 and infiltrate the Helicarrier." I said as Fury walked towards me.

Looking intensely at me as my soulmates moved in front of me, forming a protective barrier and puffing their chest up.

"Are you a spy? How did you know about that?" He asked and looked at me suspiciously, exhaling a sigh as I teleported at his back and swiftly took his gun.

Fury took his other gun and quickly pointed it to my head, "Put the gun down, Fury." Tony warned as silence engulfed the room and their posture stiffen.

Rolling my eyes and heaved a sigh, lifting my hand and swatting the gun aside, "I'm not your enemy Director." I said and looked him directly in his eyes.

"I know that Loki already surrendered." I said as his eyes momentarily widened, "I can help you get Clint out of the mind control that Loki put him into. But we can't do anything about the Chitauri attacking us." I added as his eyebrow raised.

"As Dr. Selvig is already on his way to open the portal." I continued, "And why would I trust some stranger like you." He said as I shrugged my shoulders.

"You don't have to trust me, but we have to move now." I said and my eyes drifted to Bruce.

Teleporting towards him and appearing in front of him. I gently rested my hand on his face, "I want you to calm down for me, Bruce." I softly said as he leaned to my hand, closed his eyes and nodded his head.

Seconds later, the engine explodes right off the Helicarrier. Everyone is thrown in every direction. Steve, Fury, Thor, and Tony are thrown across while Natasha, Banner, and I are down in the lower equipment room.

Grunting as I shake my head. "Bunny, you're alright?" Tony asked through the earpiece I'm wearing, "Yeah, go do your thing. I will be alright." I said, "Be careful." He said and the line cut off.

Natasha looks over to Banner, who is breathing heavily, having landed hard. He is gripping the grated floor to maintain control, but his eyes are green, his face intense.

"Hey, Nat. Look at me. Get out of here. I will handle Bruce." I said as she looked at me, "I won't leave you here." She insisted, "I will be okay. Clint will lead his men into the air ducts of the ship and two men will follow him, they will be heading towards the bridge." I said as she looked at me.

Standing up and helping her, extending my arm as she quickly placed her hand on mine, dragging her up and nodding my head.

"Be careful." She said and placed a quick kiss on my lips and left.

Hearing Bruce grunts as he struggles to suppress the rage, but his face is growing, changing slowly.

"Bruce, you gotta fight it. We're gonna be okay. Listen to me." I said and slowly approached him.

"Baby, hey. I'm here. Just calm down. We're gonna be okay." I added, "Calm down?!" my eyes widened as his voice changed, turning the bitter amusement into a growled threat.


Another explosion rocks the carrier and he turns to look at me, transforming just as the lights go out.

"Bruce." I said, pleadingly as Bruce suddenly starts transforming into Hulk and gives me one last knowing look.

Hulk, sensing me, turns his head and puts on the face of a disturbing monster.

Fucking hell.

Jolting up the stairs with Hulk chasing after me. Rolling under a turbine, I started to crawl within the maze of pipes. Hulk pulls them out from above the catwalk. As I fell through under the catwalks and quickly and stealthily escaped. Hulk lets out a roar of rage unlike anything. Primal. Not human.

As I continuously crawl under the catwalk, stopping as I slowly reached out for the gun. Slowly walking out onto the catwalk and spins. Jolting at the roar of Hulk.

My hands quickly fire a shot into a liquid nitrogen pipe that hits Hulk in the face. I began to run through the maze of corridors. Reaching a long corridor, I continued to run, as Hulk tears up the hallway.

Hulk slaps me into the wall, grunting and moaning as I make contact with the ground. Getting up and looking up, as our eyes met, Hulk's eyes softened and extended his hand to me.

"Hulk." I mumbled as he walked towards me, "Hulk soulmate." He said as I nodded my head, "Hulk hurt soulmate." He added as I shook my head. He was then knocked off his feet by Thor who tackled him into the next room.

"Get out of here, Lady Rivia." Thor said as Hulk roared, "Hulk soulmate." He said and marched towards Thor.

"Thor, don't hurt him. He's our soulmate." I stated as they continued to fight.

Making my way towards the lower equipment room. I quickly ran, seeing Clint gripping Nat's hair and pointing a knife to her throat.

Teleporting behind him and placing a hand on his temple, I quickly dive into his mind and removed the control of the scepter.

Gasping, hearing Clint grunts as he kneeled in pain, "Natasha." He mumbled as I took a step back, firmly gripping the rail to steady myself.

Looking up, wincing as Natasha punched Clint, enough to make him lose his consciousness. Nat looked at me as our eyes met, "Rivia." She said and quickly ran towards me.

"Are you okay?" I asked, seeing her bruised lips and a cut on her neck, "Let me heal you." I said as she looked at me confusingly.

Hovering my hands to her neck as I began to heal her, then focusing my attention to heal her lips, exhaling a sigh as she touched her neck and lips.

"How did you..." smiling at her as I placed my head on her shoulders, leaning my body to her, "I can heal everyone but myself." I mumbled as I lose my consciousness, the second time around.

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