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Peter watched the sun rise, car horns honking below him, he sighed, it was snowing all night last night.
He let his blanket fall onto the wet balcony, climbing through his window into his sad little apartment.
He went into his fridge grabbing another beer. He walked back outside sitting back down watching the cars driving underneath him, wondering how his body would react to being run over.
"Hey Pete." Peter eventually heard the sound of Tony's iron man suit.
Peter didn't say anything, just continued watching the car's.
"How have you been lately kiddo?" Tony said, sitting down next to Peter.
"Great." Peter said.
"What's with all the bottles out here?" Tony asked.
"Starting a garden." Peter said.
"You know pepper and Steve are really good at gardening." Tony said.
Peter shook his head no.
"Pete your work called me saying you haven't been in a week without calling out and Ned called me too worried about a party and a boy named Harry." Tony said.
"Some people just can't take a hint." Peter joked letting out a small chuckle.
"What happened Pete?" Tony asked, putting a hand on Peter's shoulder.
"Nothing Tony." Peter said.
"Well obviously it was something, I mean you were doing semi better just a few weeks ago and now it's like the weeks after." Tony said.
Peter looked at Tony.
"No one asked you to come here Tony, go live your own fucking life and stay out of mine." Peter said, climbing back through his window slamming it shut and walking to his bedroom.
He closed the door, falling down into bed, grabbing the body pillow sprayed with Wade's cologne and a sweatshirt on it, and cried into it.

Soon enough Tony was gone and the sun had gone down, Peter made his way to the kitchen, the body pillow tucked snuggly by his side, reaching into the freezer and grabbing the vodka.
He sat down on the couch with Wade sitting down next to him, turning on some stupid late night show, he laughed and punched Wade in the shoulder snuggled up to him.
The next morning there was knocking on his apartment door.
"Geese do people not sleep anymore." Peter said to Wade.
He pushed himself off the couch, walking to the front door and opened it.
"I have heard you talking and laughing with someone all night. Are you okay?" His neighbor asked.
"Pssshhh yeah it was just Wade." Peter said.
She stared at him.
"You can come join us, I think jeopardy is about to come on, me and Wade always make bets on that one." Peter said with a smile.
"I have to get to work, I just wanted to make sure that you were okay." She said with a warm smile and squeezed Peter's shoulder.
Peter smiled and nodded.
"Everything's fine." Peter said.
She nodded and left, Peter closing the door and walking back to the couch, sitting back down hugging the pillow to his side letting a breath out.
"This is nice." Peter whispered.
He ended up falling asleep while playing with the strings on the sweatshirt but woke up to knocking, his head hurt.
He pushed himself up and looked confused why his body pillow was out on the couch, he rubbed his eyes pushing himself up.
He walked to the front door unlocking it.
"What?" Peter asked.
"Peter your neighbor-" Peter looked and saw Harry.
"No, I'm not dealing with you." Peter said going to shut the door but Harry stopped him.
"Peter, your neighbor called me instead of calling 911 just be thankful." Harry said
"Why would she need to call 911?" Peter asked.
"Because she told me that you told her that you were watching tv with Wade, that she heard you all night in there talking to someone you told her it was Wade." Harry said.
"I was drunk." Peter said, putting his fingers to the bridge of his nose.
"It doesn't matter, what's going on with you? You completely fell off the face of the earth this past week." Harry said.
"I've been home." Peter said.
"Now are we done? Because I would really much rather see the back of my eyelids instead of you." Peter said.
"Peter I called Tony." Harry said.

Peter just let a long breath out.
"Why on earth would you do that?" Peter asked.
"Because I'm worried about you everyone is, this isn't normal or healthy Peter you need help." Harry said.
Peter slammed the door in his face, locking it.
He walked back to the couch sitting back down seeing the half full vodka bottle.
He grabbed it and downed as much as possible before the pain got too bad, he stopped with a coughing fit.
Peter watched the tv taking big drinks out of the bottle until finally it was empty.
Finally when the sun went down, there was knocking on the front door. Peter rolled his eyes and didn't get up.
The door eventually opened.
"Peter, are you here?" Peter heard from the kitchen.
Peter stayed silent and continued sitting on the couch waiting for Tony to walk in and give a lecture about blah blah and for him to leave.
Tony walked into the living room, looking really worried.
"Hey Pete, how are you doing?" Tony asked, sitting down on the coffee table in front of Peter.
"You're blocking the tv." Peter said.
"Pete buddy, you have to talk to me about what's going on?" He asked, leaning forward.
"Nothing, everything is perfectly fine, Harry called you for no reason." Peter said.
"I know that's not true." Tony said.
Peter shrugged.
"It's up for debate." Peter said.
"How about you come to the tower? And we can hang out like we used to? How does that sound?" Tony asked.
"I'm good." Peter said.
"Peter, I wasn't really asking." Tony said.
"Oh so you're forcing me to go with you to some place that I hate with people that I hate to make me feel better? Or to make yourself feel better?" Peter said, looking at Tony.
"You know just because you were with me after it happened doesn't mean that you know anything that happened, you saw what you wanted to see everyone there did everyone does. I'm tired of it. Wade is dead and will forever be dead, no matter how much I eat his favorite food or drink his favorite drink nothing is ever gonna bring him back. Do you even understand that when he died that I didn't want to get out of bed, I didn't want to talk, I didn't want to do anything except be with him and I couldn't. I felt like I couldn't breathe when he died. I couldn't- can't sleep without him. You have no idea how I feel or felt so if I want to stay in the comfort of my own little bubble that I made for myself then I think I deserve that." Peter said.
Tony just stared shocked not knowing what to say.
"Now please get out of the way of the TV I'm trying to watch." Peter said, leaning his head on his hand on the arm of the couch.
Tony did move, he sat down next to Peter and watched tv with him.

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