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Peter was biting his nails, bouncing his knee up and down, his eyes flickering to the clock hanging on the wall. Wade was supposed to be home any minute now, he told Peter that he would be home by midnight and it's not 12:30.
Peter moved onto the next finger.
Finally at 2:40 the apartment door opened, Peter quickly stood up and turned around letting his hand fall to his side.
"Peter, what are you still doing up?" Wade asked.
Peter just shook his head and walked to their bedroom door.
"What what's wrong?" Wade said following.
"You said that you would be home by midnight and you couldn't give me a call or text telling me that you were gonna be late?" Peter yelled.
"My flight got in late. I was going to surprise you in the morning. I figured you would be asleep by now, any normal person would be." Wade said.
"I was waiting up for you! Because I wanted to go to bed with you!" Peter yelled.
He grabbed his pillow.
"Where are you going?" Wade asked.
"I'm sleeping in the guest room." Peter said.
"Come on Peter, just calm down for a second." Wade said, stepping in front of Peter.
"Don't you dare tell me to calm down, I deal with enough around here, I'm allowed to be upset over you being late and not letting me know even if you wanted to surprise me, I didn't know what happened for all I knew you could have been dead and I would have been waiting up for nothing." Peter said.

"Peter." A voice said.
Peter just crossed his arms.
"Pete, come on get up." Peter heard a distant voice say.
Peter slowly blinked his eyes open.
"Breakfast is done." Tony said.
Peter nodded and Tony was gone, Peter turned on his side and looked at the empty space on his side.
He pushed himself up, he pulled pants on and walked to his bathroom.
He brushed his teeth and chugged a glass of water.
He walked out of the bathroom and got dressed, walking out of the empty bedroom and to the kitchen.
"How did you sleep?" Tony asked scooting the plate in front of Peter who sat at the bar.
"Fine." Peter said.
"Have any plans today?" Tony asked, sitting down right next to Peter eating.
"No." Peter said, pushing the food around.
"I have a few meetings I have to go to with Pepper if you wanted to tag along? We could probably do something fun afterwards." Tony said.
"No thanks." Peter said, finally taking a bite.

Tony left and Peter was sitting on the couch.
"The weather is quite beautiful today." Friday spoke up.
Peter sighed and got up, he slipped crocs on and rode the elevator down to the ground floor, he walked to his favorite sandwich shop where he used to go when he lived in the small apartment in queens.
"Peter?" Mr. Delmar asked.
Peter nodded.
"Haven't seen you in a while not since-" but he cut himself off.
"Yeah." Peter said.
He grabbed three things of flowers and paid for them with the little money he had brought.
"How have you been kid?" He asked.
"Fine." Peter said.
He grabbed the flowers after paying.
"It was nice seeing you Peter." Mr. Delmar said.
"You too." Peter said.
He made his way to the subway riding it to the graveyard.
He got off and walked up from underground and walked a couple blocks away until he saw the forest green railing.
He pushed the gates open, making his way to the back of the cemetery, a funeral was happening on the opposite side Peter heard the people crying.
He stopped when he saw the three names.
He stared for a little while just letting his mind settle.
"These are for you guys." He finally said.
Laying a thing of flowers respectively on each grave, uncle Ben getting the tulips, aunt May getting the roses and Wade getting Chrysanthemums.
"I hope you like them, they were all I could afford." Peter said quietly.
He sat down in the grass.
"Mornings at Tony's basically makes me want to rip my hair out, he's trying and I appreciate it but he's trying too hard, I know how to grieve. I've done it plenty of times, it just takes time and yeah it sucks but I mean what else am I gonna do." Peter said, shrugging.
"It is hard without you though." Peter said, looking at Wade's gravestone.
"And I just hope you know that I was just worried when we had that fight I just- I was just worried." Peter said, pulling his legs to his chest.
After a little while of silence he pushed himself up, the clouds getting dark.
He walked back to the subway riding it back to the tower instead of walking the distance. He looked around the car and few people were on, all of them having headphones in and either sleeping or reading.

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