Chapter Eight

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*any words that you see italicized is when they speak in trigedasleng*

My body felt as if it was growing weaker. The voices were growing more muffled. All I could make out was raven yelling. She was trying to reach the ark I think? I tried to open my eyes and barely achieved that. "Clarke, her eyes are opening!" I couldn't focus on one thing. So many blobs of color. It was too much so I closed my eyes and drifted back into darkness, only hearing muffled noises.

"Finn!" someone screamed. "Clarke Finns seizing!" they yelled. More voices filed into the room. A hand fell on my cheek and muffled crying could be heard. My eyes wouldn't open for the life of me. I couldn't move anything. I tried to scream or something but nothing worked. I was trapped in my own mind. My only senses, hearing, barely even worked. I kept going in and out of consciousness. I should be helping Finn, Raven can't lose him. I fell back into the darkness.

Raven pov...

The storm grew worse as Abby instructed Clarke with Finn. my eyes danced viciously between finn and bailey. We still had to help her. I just didn't know how without revealing her secret to Clarke. Suddenly Clarke's hand wrapped around the knife. "Raven, you need to hold him still." she instructed. I looked down, wondering if I was capable of doing this. I felt worlds away. The last two people I had in my life were laying in front of me, unconscious and I had to stay strong for them. "Raven!" she screamed, bringing me out of my trace. "Right." I nodded and put my hands on him. Clarke started to pull, which caused Finn to wake up. "Finn, you need to stay still!" I yelled at him. "Yeah, I got it." he cried. He flinched but stayed as still as possible as Clarke pulled out the knife, suddenly a big jolt sent me and everyone flying to the ground.

"Clarke?" Abby's voice yelled over the radio. My eyes shot to Finn who now laid without a knife in his chest. "She did it!" I said happily. Finn had his eyes on someone behind me so I looked only to be disappointed that Clarke was staring right back. "She got it out." I said, a little more disappointed this time. "Good, now what about the other girl that you say is injured. "Her name is B, she was hit over the head by a grounder and has been unconscious ever since. She opened her eyes once but thats all.'' Clarke yelled. I helped Finn onto the table as Clarke went over to Bailey's unconscious body.

"Check her head." Abby instructed. Clarke started to lift her head before my senses came into check. "No!" I yelled and ran over to her pushing her hand away. "Raven move, I need to look at her." Clarke said, growing annoyed. "Clarke, I can't let you do that." I said, knowing Bailey would hate me if I allowed Clarke to check. "Abby, tell Clark that she doesn't need to check freaks' heads." I screamed. Clarke looked at me confused but Abby knew what I was talking about. "Clarke just allow raven to do this. Take care of Finn and I'll talk raven through this." she instructed. Clarke sighed and walked over to finn. I hated that she was near him but if Bailey wanted this to be a secret I have to help her.

Bailey pov...

Finally my eyes opened. I could see clearly and noticed I was in a tent. I was able to move so I attempted to sit up. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." someone said from beside me. I turned my head and saw Clarke standing there. "What happened?" I whispered, my voice feeling hoarse.

"Let me help you." she said and walked over to my side, helping me sit up before handing me some water. "Well for starters you got hit over the head and was unconscious while Finn died. I had to save him then attempted to save you but raven and abby wouldn't let me near you. So raven took care of your head while finn yet again started to die. Oh and Bellamy has a grounder hostage." she told me. I started to remember the events from last night. "Bellamy has a grounder hostage?" I asked. She nodded. "Where?" "third level of the dropship.

I forced myself onto my feet ignoring the pain in my ankle and head. "B! You shouldn't be walking." she said as she chased after me. I ignored her and kept speed running to the dropship. I struggled to climb the ladder but still pushed through. "B, what are you doing?" Octavia asked as I appeared in her vision on the second floor. "I told her she needed to rest but she won't listen to me." Clarke growled. I banged on the hatch to the third level, having it open a second later. I climbed in to see a bloody grounder with Bellamy and Miller.

"What the fuck bellamy!" I yelled and made my way towards him. "What is she doing?" Bellamy asked clarke. "I tried to stop her, but B doesnt care about her fucking head or ankle.'' Clarke said. I turned around and gave her a look. "What are you doing!" I demanded. "I liked you better when you couldn't speak." she said and pushed past me. I grabbed onto his hand and spun him around. "We don't just steal grounders from their homes!" I yelled angrily. "Yeah? Well he's the one who kidnapped Octavia and hurt you! I say it's fair." he said, trying not to raise his voice. "I told you he saved me!" Octavia yelled. "He also saved B! She would have ran into a trap if he didn't trip her.'' Octavia shot back.

I turned to her, trying to take in what she had just said. "Bellamy let him go now!" I demanded. "I'm sorry but I can't do that," he told me. I let go of him and took a seat on the floor. "Then I'm not leaving until he does." I said. "Clarke?" Bellamy asked. "I'm sorry Bellamy but B's your problem now." Clarke shrugged and left. I looked at Bellamy and smirked. "Miller watch them. Octavia out." Bellamy said as he walked out trying to drag Octavia with him. She fought against his grasp and ran over to me. "I'm staying with B." she announced and took a seat beside me. Bellamy threw his hands into the air. "Ya know what forget it, I don't have time for this." he yelled and left.

A couple minutes after Bellamy left, Miller made an announcement. "I have to pee and get food." he said then left. I took this as the opportunity to practice my trig. "What's your name?" I asked carefully. The grounder looked towards us confused. Octavia looked at me doing the same. "Do I need to ask again?" I added. The grounder sighed. "Lincoln." he managed. Octavia sprung to her feet. "Ask if he understands english?" she asked me. "Yes I do." he quickly added. Octavia ran over to him.

"Lincoln?" I asked and walked towards the pair. Lincoln looked up and nodded. "Do you know Vince?" I asked. Lincoln looked confused yet again, but nodded. "How do you know vince?" he asked me, barely. "He's been training me. He attacked me. Now we're friends, sorta." I explained. Suddenly the hatch started to open and I grabbed the closest rag I could to pretend like I was cleaning him, Octavia doing the same. "Octavia i'm about to leave to go on some trip with Clarke, will you be ok?" he asked. Both Octavia and I nodded. I turned and noticed the jobi nuts in Miller's hand. I smirked and devised a plan to get Lincoln out.

Hours passed and eventually the hallucinations took over miller. I leaned into Octavia's ear. "Start getting Lincoln united. I'll meet you at the door in ten minutes." I told her. She nodded and I stood to lead out miller, who thought I was taking him to a beach.

Eventually Lincoln came stumbling into the room with Octavia guiding him. "I can take him from here. I already got Vince waiting, unless you would like to join us." I told octavia. "I'm coming with you." she announced. I nodded and led the two outside camp and towards the spot. Vince ran up to us and grabbed lincoln. "Are you ok? Everyone at camp is worried." Vince spoke. "Im fine Vince, thanks to the natblida and skaigirl.'' Lincoln replied. "What are they saying?" Octavia asked me. "How do you know about my blood?" I asked, ignoring the confused Octavia. "When I hit you, your blood fell onto my arm. I'm still confused about how you got it though." Lincoln told me. "I was born with it." I said. "What is your name natblida?" Lincoln asked. I looked at Octavia then to vince. "It's ok, you can trust him," he told me. "Bailey." I whispered. "My name is Bailey."

This is mostly a filler chapter that I needed to put in to get the story moving. I promise the next chapter won't disappoint and we will have more moments between Vince and Bailey.

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