Chapter One

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All my life I had black blood. It's a mystery no one on the ark can figure out. My parents were afraid of me. They turned me into the council saying I was a curse. The council, not knowing what to do, locked me up. They say it's best for me. That I would be treated differently if people found out. I had no family. When I went to earth skills I was tied to a chair, not allowed to move. Everyone was afraid of me. I learned to keep to myself and not allow anyone in. I gave people reasons to be afraid of me. When a guard came in I fought him. When people talked to me I walked away. I didn't want to be bothered.

The only people I allowed into my life were Washington and Raven. He taught me how to fight while she taught me how to be an engineer. They gave me all the lessons I needed to survive on this junk of metal. They were my family, that was until Washington got floated for stealing medicine for his mother. I cried so much after hearing the news. He was the only one who didn't think I was a freak, besides Raven. But that was over a year ago. Now I just wait till my eighteenth birthday where I can be floated. The council already decided I don't deserve to live. They told me when I was ten. Abby Griffin tried to explain to them i wasn't a freak but no one believed. She stopped visiting me long after the decision.

"Face the wall freak!" a guard yelled at me as he entered. I rolled my eyes and walked towards him, not listening. I noticed his partner held a container of wristbands. I raised an eyebrow at the wristbands. "One of those for me?" I asked. The guard brought out his baton threatening me with it. I cracked a smile. "Get against the wall!" he yelled once more. I pushed my body against his, making him nervous. "I don't think so." I whispered. He gulped as I connected my knee against his groin causing him to scream in pain. I grabbed onto the baton and elbowed his partner before shocking his side.

I ran into the halls to see all the other prisoners being escorted by guards, causing confusion to fill my mind. Suddenly people started screaming my name and I turned to see three guards rushing after me. I took off to the right, running past all the confused delinquants and dodging the guards that attempted to catch me. Suddenly a familiar voice caused me to stop beside a light skin girl with jet black hair. She had a guard push her past me as I turned, only making eye contact for a short second. I turned around to see this blond girl being carried away on a stretcher with two guards.

"Bailey stop!" Abby yelled as she scurried over to me. A smug smile appeared on my face as she told the guards to back off and give us a minute. "Look who decides to show her face after seven years." I teased. Abby wrapped her arms around my tense frame. I inhaled her familiar scent as she ran a hand through my hair, still refusing to let go. "I'm sorry. I couldn't bear to see you knowing you were going to die." she whispered. I refused to hug her back so when she pulled back her eyes flashed of hurt. I looked around still confused. "What's going on?" I demanded. "Yall are going to earth. We have to see if it's survivable." Abby explained. I felt my emotions flood me before I quickly pushed them back again. "And you're sending the freak with them?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. "It's better than dying." Abby said with hope in her voice. "Please don't fight back." she begged. My eyes glanced at the two guards whose asses I had beat just moments before. "Fine." I said and held out my wrist so they could put a wristband on my wrist.

"Are you coming with us?" I asked, hoping she would say yes. I might hate Abby for leaving me but she was the first person who actually cared about me. She shook her head no. I made my eyes look down before meeting hers again. She hugged me once more before she motioned for the guards to take me. I followed knowing this is what Abby wanted.

Soon they took us to a dropship and sat me next to that girl I had passed in the halls. The guards took off my handcuffs after I was tightly strapped in. The thought of going to earth filled my mind and suddenly I was scared. Was this a death mission? Eventually the ship took off and shook. "Do you know what's going on?" the girl asked me with fear in her voice. "They didn't tell you?" I asked to which she shook her head. "We're going to earth." I told her in a faint whisper so only she could hear. Her eyes widened as realization sunk in. Suddenly the TV flashed on and chancellor jaha's face appeared. I ignored what he was saying. "Fuck him." I cursed just loud enough for the girl to look over and smirk at me.

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