Chapter X

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"You can just take a seat right here." Lark patted the leather chair before waltzing over to a table to gather some tools.

Y/N did as she said and eased back into the seat trying to hide her shaky hands due to her nervousness.

Austin placed a comforting hand on her shoulder noticing her anxiety and possible second thoughts.

She glanced up to him being snapped out of her state of overthinking.

He smiled warmly at her and gave a silent "it's okay."

Lark lied the chair back further and turned on the light above her.

Austin stepped back not wanting to be in the way and supported from a distance.

Lark first got a mold of Y/N's teeth and then began filing them down. The process took about an hour and when she was done she held up a mirror for Y/N.

Y/N smiled and turned her head in different directions to observe her new look then poked one of her teeth with her finger to feel how sharp they were. "Wow." She exhaled.

"So, you like 'em?" Lark asked excitedly.

"Uh... yeah. It's just gonna take me a while to get used to them." She sat up in the chair.

"Well, in the meantime, wear this and you won't even know." Lark handed her the caps that would go over her new teeth that matched her old ones.

"Thanks." Y/N laughed nervously and took it from her.

"Try them on." Lark insisted.

Y/N hesitated before fitting the disguise over her teeth and adjusting it carefully. She put the bottom one in as well and closed her mouth comfortably.

Austin stood in front of her with his eyebrows raised waiting for a reaction.

She flashed a smile and nodded, "they're perfect."

"Good." Lark stated and walked past the two back into the main room.

Austin draped his arm over Y/N's shoulders and led them over to Lark.

Lark walked back around to her desk and waited for them.

"So, how much?" Austin asked clasping his hands together.

"I'll give you a discount because you're a friend. One fifty."

Austin dipped into his pocket and retrieved his wallet before taking out some cash.

Lark smiled and took the money counting it then putting it in her register. "I hope to see you two around."

"Same to you. You should come down to the Muse more." Austin suggested.

"Maybe I will." She said confidently.

"You ready?" He peered down to Y/N who had been suspiciously quiet.

"Mhm." She said simply. They walked toward the door and Y/N chimed out a "thank you" before exiting.

"What's up?" Austin stopped and turned to Y/N.

"What?" She said being taken off guard.

"You're really quiet, what's wrong? You don't like it?" He said seriously.

"No, no, I don't have a problem with them. I promise." She said reassuringly.

He gave her a quick look up and down not believing her, but then just got into the car.

Y/N followed behind him doing the same and they headed back to his house.

When they arrived, Austin went into the kitchen for some tea and noticed there was a message left on the landline. He pushed his eyebrows together and went over to the phone. His face remained the same as he began listening to the message.

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