Chapter IX

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White light poured from the nearest window and spilled into the silent bedroom. Austin stretched and pulled himself out of his drowsy state. After taking a deep breath, he glanced over to the other side of his California king. The sheets were pulled back and the pillow bared a shallow indent. His brows pushed together forming small lines between them. He sat up and guided his cold feet into the slippers that waited next to the bed. Austin pulled on his robe not worrying about tying it closed completely. He left the room and shuffled into the living room, then the kitchen, then the terrace. He grew more concerned and checked every room in the house. No Y/N in sight, no note, and the coffee maker was cold. He quickly made his way back to the bedroom and noticed her luggage was still next to the dresser. Panic set in as he paced around the house some more. A white sheet atop the piano caught his eye and he rushed over. He snatched it up and read through it fast.

Austin my dear,

Have your parents never taught you to not play with your food? How impolite of you. I would've stayed longer, but my guilty pleasure is takeout meals. Ta-ta Patty.

Austin crushed the note in his hand and threw it at the nearest wall. He stormed to his room and threw on some real clothes before zooming away in his old car.

Pounding erupted from Belle's front door. "Belle! Open this goddamn door! She's done nothing to you!"

Belle leisurely waltzed to her grand, white front door and opened it with a satisfied look.

Austin shot her a deadly glare and pushed passed her into her living area. He looked around and then faced the old woman with a strong look of concern. "Where is she?" He said plainly and half out-of-breath.

"Well..." Belle took her time closing the door and picked up her cup of tea cradling the miniature plate under it and taking a sip. "I planned on feasting on your little snack, but I'm feeling generous today. So I decided to help the less fortunate and feed the poor. Karen is leading her down to the beach at this very moment to feed them." An evil smirk appeared on her thin lips before she lifted her tea cup back up to meet them.

Austin froze for a moment and then realized where her mistake lied. He chuckled to himself and made suspenseful, drawn-out steps toward the cocky woman. He leaned in awfully close and the words rolled off his lips like a smooth scotch, "she took the pill you foolish hag." Now he was the one with the cocky smile and her arrogant expression fell immediately. He laughed briefly and exited the large household getting back into his car.

"So, why are you taking me here again?" Y/N asked nervously.

"Belle told me you are an artist and I thought-" The sickly woman was interrupted by her flem-filled coughing. "I thought we could paint together down at my favorite spot." She finished after recovering from her hacking.

"Oh, okay. Well she could've just asked me instead of waking me up at crack-thirty and bringing me to her house." Y/N laughed off.

"She kinda- uh, has a flare for the dramatics." Karen stated nervously.

They walked down the sandy mounds together and stopped near the beach a couple yards away from the sea. Karen paused and looked around the beach.

Y/N formed a confused look on her face and watched the faded pink-haired lady curiously. "So... did you bring any materials?" She asked.

Karen just held up her index finger to stop her. She glanced around some more then she became the confused one.

In the distance, the sound of a car pulling up could be heard. A door slammed shut and silence fell on the beach once again.

The two girls stood still and watched the tops of the sand dunes for a person to appear.

Austin stood at the top of a mound of sand and looked across the beach and stopped when he spotted Y/N and Karen at the bottom of the hill. He scurried down the dune and jogged over to them. "Hey are you alright?" He caressed Y/N's head and pulled her into a tight hug.

She hugged him back a bit weirded-out, "uh... yeah. Are you?" She anxiously laughed.

He pulled away and kissed the top of her head before looking into her innocent eyes. "Belle didn't hurt you?" He said in a worried tone.

She furrowed her eyebrows and shook her head, "No... honestly I don't know why you were worried about her."

"Y/N she kidnapped you, she tried to get you killed." He stated like it was obvious news.

Karen scoffed and crossed her arms.

"I'll deal with you later, get outta here." Austin turned to the ill woman with a serious voice, but she didn't move. "Now." His voice got darker when he spoke.

Karen folded her puffy coat across her body and coughed as she marched back up the sand dunes.

"Austin, what are you talking about? Belle took me out to breakfast and said she would leave you a note so you knew I was okay." She cocked her head to the side as she explained.

"No, she kidnapped you and left me a note saying she was going to kill you. She was too dumb for her plan to work, but I told you not to trust her and you should've just woken me up." He said sternly.

"I-I didn't want to wake you at that hour, I was just getting breakfast and then Karen wanted me to paint with her out here." She attempted to explain again.

"She had Karen lure you out here so the pale people could feed on you, but she didn't know you took the pill." He clarified.

Y/N paused for a minute to process his words. "Austin, I-I didn't-

"I know." He interrupted and put his arm around her to lead her toward the car.

Her head hung low feeling stupid and naive as she dragged her feet through the sand.

He rubbed her upper arm to comfort her and assure her it was alright. He opened her door and closed it gently when she plopped down. He walked around to his side and climbed in starting the engine and pulling out onto the street.

"Did I miss my appointment with Lark?" Y/N asked shyly.

"No, we're heading there now." He gave a weak smile after his response.

She nodded and looked back to her hands that were folded in her lap.

They pulled up to a small building and exited the vehicle.

When Y/N stepped out she looked up at the building very nervous.

Austin joined her at her side and guided her by the small of her back toward the door.

When it was pushed open, a small bell chimed above catching a woman's attention.

A younger lady with long, chestnut hair stood up from a desk and approached the two with a welcoming smile. "Hey Austin!" She said enthusiastically.

Y/N stood at his side quietly.

"Is this Y/N?" She faced the girl and flashed a smile.

"Yeah, I hope we're not late, we ran into a bit of trouble this morning." He looked down at Y/N.

"Belle?" Lark asked even though she already knew.

Austin pressed his lips together and dipped his head down in attempt to nod.

"Well!" She clasped her hands together, "let's take you back, shall we?" She smiled and walked toward a glass door across the room.

Austin nudged Y/N forward to follow and she obliged. He stayed closely behind her as they entered the dimly-lit room.

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