Chapter One: Digestives and Royalty

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Editing Status: Unedited

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    Amelia let out an annoyed huff of air, neck craning backwards as she attempted to take in the signs hanging above the aisles in search of the one bearing the word 'Biscuits'

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    Amelia let out an annoyed huff of air, neck craning backwards as she attempted to take in the signs hanging above the aisles in search of the one bearing the word 'Biscuits'.

     She'd just joined the nursing team of Royal London Hospital and it was currently her first night in her new flat in the humongous city, so she'd figured she might as well grab a few things to eat until she can go on a full shopping trip on her first day off. London was overwhelming to say the least, and it seemed that the shops fit that description too. She was lost two minutes in and now, after finding almost everything on her list, she couldn't find the final item written down- some freaking biscuits. She just wanted some digestives to have with her tea, but apparently that was too much to ask for.

     She sighed, again, and kept her quick pace through the shop as she passed aisle after aisle, being careful not to make eye contact with anyone. She didn't have time to get sucked into an unwanted conversation, not if she wanted to pick up what she needed and drop them off at her flat before making it to the hospital on time. At this rate she'd be here till closing and have to come back sometime after her first shift either way.

    She really should have been looking where she was walking, but she wasn't- her brown eyes glued to the tile floor and her trainer clad feet instead, and that was how she ended up sprawled out flat on her back. Her basket went tumbling dramatically, her items bouncing and rolling away as her head cracked painfully against the cold, solid floor beneath her.

    "Oh shit!" An oddly familiar voice panicked, breaking through the mental daze and stars behind her eyes the blow had caused before two large hands reached out to help her to her feet. "Are you alright?" The voice was masculine, the accent posh, and it sent an inappropriately timed shiver down her spine. With a few blinks in an attempt to clear her vision she groaned and sat up, rubbing the back of her head.

    "I'm alright, thanks. Sorry for running into you, I wasn't watching where I was going like a numpty." She chuckled awkwardly before accepting his outstretched hands- her own looked so small in comparison- and finally looking up towards her victim's face as he pulled her gently to her feet."Oh shit!" She echoed back in a yelp when the realisation of just who it was that she had rammed into sunk in. "I'm so sorry, Your Royal Highness. It would be just my luck to body slam a prince while I'm just trying to find some biscuits. Are you alright?" Her eyes scanned him over analytically, the nurse beating out the panicking woman for the driver's seat as her training took over at the thought of someone being hurt.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2021 ⏰

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