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Critical_Error than stepped back, and swiped his hand to the left, and opened a portal, and sees the Underground. It was empty, but Critical_Error could tell that there was some life there. And he knows that one of them is Dust Sans, who has been killing the human over and over again. He needs to get to him. But first, he needs to deal with the human. There is only one place that he can think of in which Dust Sans is at, and it was a place that he himself used to be in when he was the original Sans, when he wound fight against the human and kill them for what they have done to his brother, and to the people that he cares about. Besides, he would not mind killing the human in the most painful way possible, just for sport. So he stepped into the portal that he had made, and he planted his feet on the snow of the town of what once used to be his home as the original Sans, Snowdin. He than turns around, and closed the portal. He than sighed, as he than spoke out to himself

" far so good.  I should be able to get to the location of Dust Sans without any sort of problems whatsoever."

Critical_Error than began to walk around, and began to see the state of Snowdin. Even though he is capable of going to where Dust Sans is at, he wants to see if there really is what Critical_Error thinks it is here. And sure enough, Papyrus' scarf is present on the ground, and needless to say, Critical_Error looks very angry, before he forced his smile to turn into a maniacal grin, as he than spoke out.

"It is either that the human pays for that, or this version of Sans is gonna pay for that. But I want to see the state that they are in first, before I do something about it."

Critical_Error than prepares to open a portal ti the location of Dust Sans and the human, in order to see what to do about them. But unfortunately, he was unable to do it. And it is not because of the fact that he place won't allow him. It is that he had been interrupted by an unwanted presence.

"Hey, G-G-Geno. Do you mi-one if we ha-a-ave a minute-ute?"

This made Critical_Error freeze, before sighed angrily, and he turns to the direction of where he had heard the voice from before, and saw that Error had appeared inside of Dusttale, and he looked curious about something. He than spoke out to Error.

"I do not have time for you, Error. And do not call me that again. That was who is once had been. I have my own stuff. So start doing your own stuff."

He than began to walk away, as he gets ready to go to Dust Sans. But Error than spoke out to Critical_Error about something that he did not expect to him to say.

"I-I-It is about-bout-bout my spawns, who you had m-m-m-met in Gradient's Anti-Void-oid-oid."

This made Critical_Error stop, and he turns around to look at Righteous Error in the eyes.

"And how do you know that I had met them?"

Error looks at Critical_Error in the eyes and spoke very serious to him.

"I-I-I had been observing th-th-them for a long t-t-time, Critical_Error. I ha-ha-had seen them-em-em in the Anti-Void, and I had been w-w-watching them, just in case that Ink or Error404 were to ev-ev-ever try and get th-th-them. But I never thought that you, my mo-mo-most hated rival, had to run into them suddenly."

Critical_Error than looks at Error sternly in the eyes, as he than spoke out to Error.

"I am not you rival, Error. That is Ink's job for you. It is not for me to be your rival. And besides, isn't Error404 watching us right now?"

Error shook his head.

"N-N-No. He-e-e-e is busy with some-something else right n-n-now. But I want to kn-kn-know, why di-id you deci-ide to help them?"

Critical_Error turns to Error, and spoke out to him.

"Why should I answer to you. As far as I am concerned, you hate green. You are disgusted at them existing. So why should I tell you about them, and the reason as to why I had to help them, Error?"

Error sighed, as he spoke out.

"Loo-k, Critical_Error...what you had sa-aid w-w-was true. But n-n-now, I do. I ca-a-are about them enough to make sure that bo-oth Ink and Error404 do-oes not get his hands on them. Just, t-tell me why you help?"

Critical_Error simply turned around and spoke out.

"I don't know myself, Error. Maybe it is because I want some unnecessary obstacles out of the way, but I simply was in a good mood for the fact that they at least helped me with Ink. Or maybe it is because it is something else. But for now, I do not have time to give you the answer you need. So leave me at my own stuff."

Critical_Error then made a portal, and went to the location of where Dust Sans and the human are at, as Error looks and saw the portal close. Error simply closed his eyes and looked down as he spoke out.

"A-A least th-th-thank you for help th-them."

Error than made a portal from behind him, and entered it, before he looks back at the Alternate Universe of Dusttale, before he closed the portal, leaving Critical_Error all alone.

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