Patience |Thrawn X F! Sith Reader|

Start from the beginning

Once inside your room, You make quick work of freshening up, Washing the sweat off that had coated your skin after fighting for so long. Hurrying as to not wanting to keep Thrawn waiting for your arrival too long. After your done you change into your usual black tunic and leather pants alongside your dark cloak. Soon making your way to Thrawns office.

Two stormtroopers outside his door stop you, “Thrawn requested not to be disturbed” You give the troops a pointed look.

“He is expecting my arrival, Troops” You spoke with annoyance at them for daring to prevent you from entering.

The troopers though soon move aside, Allowing you entrance upon the dangerous look you had given them and you quickly type in his code you knew by heart and the door whooshes open. You walk in and close the door behind you, Spotting Thrawn looking over his art he collected.

“It took you long enough to get here, I've been waiting for quite a long time” His soft spoken voice is music to your ears, His eyes soon landing on you as he turns around, Hands clasped behind his back. “Though it's alright, I am a patient man after all”

You walk closer to him, Now looking over the twi'lek kalikori as Thrawn kept his gaze on you. “My apologies for keeping you waiting, Grand admiral. Why did you want to see me?” You inquire as you look away from the kalikori.

“I wanted to discuss the performance of my droids, But also I quite enjoy your company” Thrawn spoke, A small ghost of a smile tugging at his lips.

“Well, Their accuracy seems to have improved greatly. Not to mention their durability to withstand blaster bolts is impressive” You say while crossing your arms across your chest.

“As expected, I'm pleased with their performance” Thrawn smirks before moving closer to stand before you, Nearly chest to chest as he looks down at you. “Your performance was quite fascinating as well” His voice lowers, His words causing your heart to skip a beat.

The unspoken feelings you both felt for each other becoming stronger each and every day, You felt drawn to the man before you, The thought of him always plaguing your mind.

And Thrawn felt the same, His infatuation with you growing every time he saw you. Your beauty drawing him in without you knowing, The most exquisite being he has ever seen, Far more divine than any art piece he has seen.

“Fascinating? And here I thought you were simply admiring your work” You say with a little smirk, Referring to how he hadn't seemed to have taken his eyes off you when you were training with his droids.

Thrawn boldy reaches a hand up to tug away a stray strand of your hair, Purposely brushing the skin of his knuckles against your cheek. “They were...alright but you my dear was simply magnificent” He pulls his hand away reluctantly to resume his same position as before, Hands clasped behind his back.

Though his fleeting touch still burns your skin pleasantly.

“Thank you for the compliments Grand Admiral--

“Thrawn, You may call me Thrawn when it's only you in my company” He corrects you firmly, His captivating red eyes falling onto the kalikori you both stood next to.

You trace every detail of his face with your eyes, Mentally scolding yourself for letting yourself grow attached to the Grand admiral before you.

“Well, sure you must have more important matters to attend to rather than compliment my combat skills” You try and excuse yourself from his office, Trying to discard the growing feelings you feel for him.

He would only be a distraction, The thoughts of him during training or battles against the wretched rebels already making you small slip ups you couldn't have.

But Thrawn looks to you again, Catching the admiring look in your eyes and smirking. “I've already freed my schedule from such things, That is why I requested your presence after all. We never seem to catch a moment alone together” Thrawn unclasped his hands and place a hand on your shoulder.

You look at his hand before looking up at him, The proximity causing your breath to hitch for a moment.

“We both dedicate our time to the Empire, That's why we're here after all” You try and keep things professional, Even though your heart longs for something more.

Thrawn knew what you were doing, He could see right through your facade. So he trails his hand up your shoulder softly, His eyes locking with yours when his hand comes into contact with the soft skin of your neck. You feel your heart pounding at his touch, A shiver running down your spine.

“Yes, That is why we're here. But why should that keep us from acting on the desire to be with one another?” He muttered with a tenderness you hadn't thought possible for him to harbor.

You found yourself at a loss for words, The proximity of his face with yours intoxicating. The desperation to close the small gap between you growing. Thrawn let's his perfectly pointed nose brush against yours as you find it harder to breath, Anticipating his next move.

“If you truly wish to keep denying the feelings you have for me as I do you, Then I shall allow you to take your leave” He his breath fans over your face. Lips just barely ghosting over your own as his hand now cradles your face. “If that's what you want, Darling” He murmured, The sweet name he gave you rolling off his tongue in a drawl.

And you couldn't deny any longer, His touch against your skin feeling so sweet, His voice becoming intoxicating that you almost felt lightheaded at the situation you found yourself in.

So you close the gap between you both, Hand placed on the nape of his neck as your other grasps his becip. His hum of surprise and satisfaction prompting you to pull him closer. Chest flush together as your mouths move together in a slow passionate dance, Thrawns hand holding your waist in a firm yet soft grip as the hand holding your face slowly pulls you back.

Reluctantly you allow him to part from the kiss as he gazes down at you with a loving yet darkened look.

“I have waited quite a while to do that” He spoke breathlessly from the heated kiss. “But like said before, I'm a patient man” He leans his forehead on your own.

You let out a small laugh at his confession, Hand moving from his neck to cup his face. Thumb gently running across the soft skin of his cheek.

“Luckily I am I woman of patience as well, Because I've waited for that kiss way too long grand admiral” You smirk, Looking at him through your lashes.

Thrawn emits a noise of amusement before leaning in as if he were going to kiss you again.

“My apologies for delaying such a wonderful experience, Darling. Perhaps I can make it up to you...”

With those words spoken, Thrawn crashes his lips with yours in a much more passionate kiss than before.

And he intends to fully make up for lost time of what could have been since the moment you both first met.




A/n: flaming garbage this is! Absolute shite!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2021 ⏰

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