Chapter 1

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Hello hi bonjour hola aloha... Sorry. I'm done.

I've gotten multiple messages saying "omg what happened to sparks flew?¿!1!" And "u deleted your story?" Sorry I deleted "Sparks Flew," but I had no idea what to do next with it. I made the relationship fly (lol puns) too fast and blossom too early. Im hoping this one will be better, I think it has quite a bit of potential. I wrote this chappy in a rush, so it's a bit scattered and confusing. Sorry!

Dan's POV

Last night, I promised Louise I'd meet her at 10:00am for coffee before work. I knew I wasn't going to be able to keep that promise when my heavy eyelids slowly opened to a blindingly bright ray of sunshine scalding my irises. I quickly forced my eyes shut and groaned in annoyance. If I'd woken up at the desired time, it wouldn't be so bright yet. I huffed in frustration and looked to my alarm clock.


Shit! I still needed to take a shower and straighten my hair, but I only had 10 minutes before I had to rush out the door. Oh well, it's not like anybody cares if I look pretty. After all, I'm not exactly an exemplary figure.

I groggily threw the warm duvet off my body and sat up, rubbing my eyes and slapping my face in a desperate attempt to wake myself up. To my disappointment, my attempts were hopelessly futile. My blurry vision soon traveled to my exposed state, a soft chuckle escaping my lips. All I wore to bed last night was a pair of boxers, since it had been warm in London lately. I certainly couldn't go to town in just boxers, so I shimmied into my usual black skinny jeans (which were messily draped across the arm of my desk chair) and sleepily trudged to my closet.

I grabbed the first shirt I saw- a black and red plaid button up- and pulled it over my bare shoulders. I hurried to the bathroom, frowning at the purple bags  that hung pathetically beneath my tired eyes. My hair, which I usually kept straight, was curled to the point of no return. I looked like utter shit, but there was no way I would have time to fix my appearance.

I frustratedly ran my fingers through my knotty fringe and grabbed the bottle of dry shampoo that sat on the counter, proceeding to spray it frantically all around my head. My mess of chocolate colored hair wasn't greasy anymore, but still curly. I hated when my hair wasn't straight.

I hurried downstairs to the fridge and grabbed a banana, peeling it quickly and nibbling on it while I checked various sources of social media. Nothing new, of course.
I was just throwing away my banana peel when-

Just leaving the house and heading to Starbucks. See you there! :)

I read Louise's message with wide eyes, stuffing my black and flaky wallet that laid on the kitchen counter in my back pocket and practically ran to the front door. I slipped my bare feet into a black pair of toms, grabbed my keys off the hook, and headed out the door with my phone in hand.

It was 10:07 when I arrived at the Starbucks in our shopping centre, and soon my eyes had immediately met the piercing glare of my friend. I walked over to her with an apologetic expression, sitting in the wooden chair across from her. "I'm so sorry, my alarm didn't go off so I couldn't take a show-"

Her expression softened and she laughed loudly, resting her hand on my shoulder. "Dan, it's fine, no worries! Work was cancelled today because boss is on holiday, so I thought maybe we could hit some shops after coffee," Louise suggested.

"Sure," I said. I really didn't want to spend my day off in the middle of London, but I would to make Louise happy. "I'm gonna go order. Coming?"

Louise nodded and smiled sweetly at me, grabbing her expensive looking purse and slinging it over her shoulder. As I approached the granite counter, my eyes flicked over the menu even though I already knew what I wanted. I heard that if you ask for a certain mixture, it's like a nutella mocha.

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