019 ━ ordinary people

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↳ 019, ordinary people

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𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄 𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐈𝐍 𝐀 𝐒𝐎𝐅𝐓 𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇. She reached up and dried her tears with her hands. She didn't feel much different but there was an obvious absence of remorse as she glanced at Naya.

Naya looked pathetic with the small smile on her face and for a moment, it made Colette want to smile but what would be the point in that? What would the point be in anything? All she could do was look into her devil's face and wonder what god created her and why bring her to Colette? Why bring her here if all she was going to do was hurt people?

Colette still felt anger, it was deeply rooted within her but there was no building ache spreading through her anymore. Naya's brows furrowed and her lips parted like she was going to speak but Colette stopped her.

She jutted her hand out, clasping it tightly around Naya's neck as she got to her knees and then her feet, dragging Naya up with her. She felt the release spill from her palm, shooting through her arm like a phantom pain before her hand was ablaze and Naya was screaming.

"Don't you ever think you can help me," snarled Colette as she sent Naya to the ground as the skin around her neck bubbled and turned black. She released her grip as Naya sobbed, rolling onto her side with an awful shriek. "You can't help me," Colette whispered to her, "and don't ever assume you're anything to me. You're nothing."

Naya opened her mouth to speak but she coughed and Colette was pleased to see blood spill out across her palm. She bent down and grabbed her phone from the grass, turning it off and slipping it into her pocket as she walked away to leave Naya to her painful healing.

She stalked through the cemetery and back to her car, getting inside and driving away in the matter of seconds. She had no use being there anymore, not when her parents visited and left, ripped away from her yet again too soon. She gripped the steering wheel tightly in her hands, pressing down on the gas to get back to where she wanted to be.

The Salvatore house was lit up inside when she arrived. She parked in the front and slammed the door shut. She was still angry, which was strange. Shouldn't she be on Stefan's ripper level? Shouldn't she want to go off and do anything she wanted, not give a fuck about anything or anyone?

She wasn't sad, her agony had been subdued to a normal sadness. To just a baby pain that lingered in the back of her mind like a disease waiting to take hold. She imagined all of it going away but a part of her wanted that reminder, she couldn't let it all go.

Colette didn't walk up to the door, she stayed by her car and watched the house. She could sense that there were more than one person in the house, one not being Stefan. She knew there were two humans inside along with Damon and it was easy to deduce that it was Alaric and Elena. She wondered for a moment what they were doing but those thoughts slid away as new ones formed.

Damon didn't come to her rescue. She called and called and yet, no response. She did think for a moment what if she had called Rebekah or even Klaus? Would they have come running when she sobbed and pleaded?

Rebekah, maybe. Their friendship was still new but there was a connection there. Something deeply rooted.

Colette knew Klaus would've come, not for her personally but to protect the power running through her veins. Her golden red inchor was more precious to him than her heart. She should've known there was something more about her to keep him wanting more, to keep him calling her.

✓ blood, honey! | vampire diariesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें