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On that one day so many, many years ago, a prophecy was made true. A terrible prophecy that caused the death of innocent people who had families and a life before them. The ones who were lucky enough to survive were forced to praise a demon who tortured them in any way possible. Only a handful of people stayed hidden, even though they knew he knew where they were and was just saving them for later.

In this handful of people there were two young kids. One had a book and a head filled with distrust. The other had a heart filled with love and eyes misted with tears. They lost their friends, their family, they lost everything. Everything, that is, except each other. They would hold each other's hands until their fingers turned blue and they would barely leave an inch between their bodies. The thought of seeing everyone else's mutilated corpses littering the ground they walked across everyday plagued their minds. They would never leave each other. They wouldn't let that terrible thing take them, or worse.

Of course this changed when the dear girl in this party of two grew ill due to the terrible conditions of this apocalyptic world they grew to know. The boy wanted to, needed to, save her. He knew exactly how to do it, not just save his twin but save everyone! Unfortunately, it would come at a price.
A deal had to be made.

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