When my last class ended, I met Lena in the courtyard. Lena was the first friend I made when I started going to school here and we kind of just stuck together. She reminded me a lot of Ashley. Her dark hair was long, she had green eyes that made me jealous, and of course, a line of guys waiting for her to notice them. “Ready?” She asked with a smile.

I nodded and followed her.

                We walked across the street from the school, filing inside of a Starbucks. Since finals, we haven’t had time to catch up lately. She caught me up on all the latest, but I really didn’t care about any of the drama. She lived for it though. And it was pretty entertaining and I was glad I was never part of it. I didn’t know she stopped talking because I completely zoned out. I caught the last bit of what she said and just nodded my head with a smile to match hers. “So, where’s Mister Noah? Isn’t he coming home today?” She asked.

                “Not for a couple of days. The weather’s bad.” I said, my tone flat.

She smiled sadly. “I’m sorry. I know you miss him.” That was an understatement.

                “I don’t want to talk about me.” I smiled. “What are your plans for break?”

She shrugged. “My parents are still in Europe and most likely won’t be back in time. What about you and Noah?” Her now chipper mood had been tainted.

                “California is the plan.”

Her smile faltered a bit more and an idea came to me. “How fast can you get a plane ticket?”

                “Depends.” She slowly smiled. “You’ll let me go with you guys? I don’t want to intrude because I know he’s just getting home—”

                “Please go. It’ll be so much fun. And you’ve always wanted to go to California.”

                “Ugh, you are the best. I could kiss your face.” Her smile reached her ears.

I’m sure it will be quite the adventure with her on the trip.

                We parted ways when the moon replaced the sun in the sky and I walked back to my apartment. I struggled to get my keys and struggled even more to unlock the door. I locked it back behind me and then turned around. The lights were on and I knew I had turned them off. I dumped my bag by the door and ventured more inside.

                I walked into our one bedroom and Noah stood there in all his glory. “Took you long enough.” He smirked. That stupid smirk.

I didn’t think and jumped straight in his arms. He laughed and hugged me back tighter than he has before. Three months was too long. I pulled back, caressing his face in my hands. “Are you sure you’re real?” I asked.

He let out another string of laughs before placing his lips on mine. “I should be asking you that.” He mumbled against my lips and kissed me again like he couldn’t get enough. “God I’ve missed you.” He kissed me with what he had and I returned it.

                “I thought you weren’t coming back for a couple of days.” I breathed, letting my thumb run over his bottom lip.

                “Why? Was your date coming over?” He grinned, taking a step back.

                “The only guy I ever expect to be here when I get home is you.” I took the step forward and wrapped my arms around his torso.

The Bad Boy is Back (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now