1. I'm Kim Rok soo Hyung?

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It's midnight and my homework hasn't finished. And yet, my father asked me to do his work?


With my little Brother still coma in the hospital?
And my twin sister's funeral has not even ended?!

Yet, he's still had his nerve to find some of his mistresses at that red light district Then threw all his work to me?!!?!


now I understand why Hyun-Ae is in Depression.
in the end, he prefers to stay asleep in his coma...


This family is broken!-
Why am I still holding on to it When the people I love have died one by one!?

My twin  sister was killed by one of that dog mistresses!!! and my little brother was depressed after being harassed by everyone around him over and over again...
Even that bastard father also tried to To molest him...

I finally know why he doesn't trust anyone but me and my sister...

My dear Noona, My little Dongsaeng im sorry...

Just What's in the world I still trying to Cling to this family....?!

It really should end now

For God's sake-
Me and Hyuna just 17 years old!
And My little brother is still in his 15—

what's with this unfair fate we got? I'm sorry...


I'm tired...

I'm sorry...

I'm tired of the world...

I'm sorry...

I'm tired of my dad...

I'm sorry...

I'm tired of my mom who threw us at that "man" We called father then left again with all of her men as if we weren't here...

I'm sorry...

He even gave my little brother the wrong name...
"Hyun-Ae" isn't that a girl's name?
Isn't she just copying my name that was given by my grandfather?

It's my fault...

Kim Hyuna and Kim Hyun-Jae... Be proud of your name...

I'm sorry...

Be Proud Of this broken family name???!!

Please forgive me...

F*ck that bullshit and Get up from your grave.. my brothers and sisters are destroyed because of that name!

It's all my fault...
I'm sorry...
Please forgive me...

I am very sleepy...
I hope all this schoolwork is done miraculously tomorrow morning...

I'm sorry Noona...

Hyuna, Hyun-Ae If I'm coming with you...

I'm sorry Hyun...

Are we gonna Be happy again Like in my childhood memory?

Is reincarnation some kind of trend Or What!? (TOCF fanfiction)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat