Meeting Ignitus

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*Spyra had realized she wasn't a dragonfly as she always believed, and Sparx, despite his cockiness joined her but amidst their journey to find where Spyra came from a sudden ambush by Apes cornered them, but i was ready to fight*

Me: Banzai!!! *i jumped high and smashed down hard launching fire right into the middle of the Apes ranks*

Spyra: Him again?! Who are you? *she asked me*

Me: Fight now, talk later Dragoness. 

*once we had finished off the Ape Grunts, i relaxed a bit and turned to the pair*

Me: Are you two ok? nothing broken? *They shook their heads* I'm relieved, glad i showed up when I did. My name is Connor. as you can guess I'm not from around here but more on that later.

*Not far away i could hear Apes shrieking and signaling to their allies nearby*

Me: We aren't safe here. But i know of a cave nearby that should provide some safety for a bit. 

Sparx: And why should we trust you? You could be working with those hairy drool balls.

Spyra: If he was, he wouldn't have saved us, twice now. My heart tells me he wants to help.

Me: Trusting your feelings is wise young dragon. Follow me. 

*Guiding them towards the cave and fighting past several more apes, creepy Mushroom Spiders, and Ents, we reach the cave but suddenly a loud terrifying roar filled the air and i knew who it belonged to*

Me: Quick! Into the cave! 

*We rushed into the cave and Spyra turned to me* 

Spyra: What in the world was that?!

Me: The one in charge of the Apes right now. We aren't ready to fight them yet. Avoidance is the best tactic right now.

Sparx: Seconded! I'm gonna go this way far from whatever that was!

*We pushed further in and we meet face to face with Ignitus, The Guardian of Fire, one of 4 who protected the Dragon Eggs, and who made sure Spyra would live to see this day by sending her egg down the river to safety but Ignitus looked at Spyra in disbelief*

Sparx: Goodness and i thought you were a big one.

Ignitus: Your, Your alive! But its too late... Too late...

Spyra: T-too late for what? What is this place? W-what are you? What are we?? What am i???

Ignitus: You mean you don't know?

Sparx: Does it sound like she knows??

Ignitus: Your a dragon. When you were just an egg it was my job to protect you. It was my job to protect all of you.

Spyra: There are others?

Ignitus: Others? There were. There were 4 of us. Guardians, That is. And we had one job. Ensure all the Eggs were hatched. After all it was the Year of the Dragon and our very survival depended on those eggs... But now the Temple and Grotto are now gone.... Over run by...

Spyra: Temple, What temple? Can you take us there? Where i came from i mean? 

Ignitus: No no no.... Who knows what occupies the Temple now, What state its in? After all they came for you... 

Spyra: They? Who is They? And why did they come for me?

Me: The Prophecy... A prophecy that speaks of a Purple Dragon born only once every 10 generations. That would be you, Spyra.

Sparx: You.... Wait what? So your saying Spyra is a rare once in a purple thing? *he tried laughing it off*

Me: Its far too real Sparx

Sparx: Hey how'd you know our names?? 

Me: Heard Spyra yell your name and heard you call hers. But back on track, The Prophecy sparked a war between the Dragons and the Servants of The Dark Master. Ignitus and his brethren led small but valiant forces against those Apes, who are Mercenaries, who serve the Dark Master. But just as things started to turn in their favor.... Cynder came.

Spyra: Cynder?

Me: Cynder was... Is, a powerful, voracious, ferocious Black Dragon, Filling the skies with terror. an unstoppable force of nature. 

Sparx: Yeah you had me at Terror listen. Sounds like that thing that's been chasing us. 

Me: More than likely, and not just you. She's been looking for Ignitus and myself for a while, she thinks i'm worth recruiting for her master and.... lets just say i had an uncomfortably close encounter with her before.... *I lift the back of my cloak revealing a large scar across my back*

Spyra:  She did that! 

Me: Stung for a while. She's obsessed with me because i actually gave her a challenge. She wants me so I've been keeping a low profile, till now. once i saw you, i knew my days in seclusion and hiding were over.

Ignitus: Spyra he's right, Cynder now rules all and i sit here wondering what might have been, what else i might have done. 

*But despite all the terror and despair, Spyra remained determined to see her origins, so she persuaded Ignitus to guide us to the Temple, but the fire i wielded obviously caught his eye, so perhaps he had answers for me as well as to how i can use the fire like Spyra can. Many questions, and soon maybe even fewer for it*

(Again for the record, i claim nothing from the game, all rights go to their owners, this is just for fun. And please, if anyone has suggestions or ideas to add to this or my other 2 stories. feel free to hit me up. Until then, Stay safe, and embrace the Dragon within you.)

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