Into the Temple

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*Ignitius guided us to the Dragon Temple, i knew of it having played the game but to see it despite the overgrown plants on it gave it a beautiful and humble look, Ignitius approached a door and after a few moments he turned to us*

I: Cinder's forces must have knocked the two statues out of place. Heathens.

*He looked down a bit saddened by the desecration of the temple*

Spyra: What do you mean?

*I looked to her*

Me: this temple door has statues identical to the two before us. The door won't open till the two on the otherside are put back into place. We'll have to find a way in to fix it or we'll be risking Cinder's ape troops finding us.

I: Spyra, he's correct. I know of a small tunnel that animals use to access the caves. Find it and use it.

Sparx: Animals right. You two do that and I'll wait here.

*I rolled my eyes at the sarcastic dragonfly and opened a way past some roots with a punch*

Me: This way.

*Along the way fighting apes we stumbled upon crystals*

Sparx: well look at that!

*Spyra and i looked at them and i felt the urge to smash them, so i bashed one into pieces and Red and Green gems healed me and restored my elemental power while some Blue gems filled my head with secrets of the past*

Sparx: whoa you two! What was that about?

*He exclaimed in surprise*

Me: can't really describe it but just felt right. Seems these gems help us. The red ones healed me while the green ones restored my fire powers.

*Spyra nodded as Sparx shrugs it off thinking we're crazy, eventually we reached a hole in the roof of the temple which was on the otherside of the door, feeling like being dramatic i jumped in with a superhero landing, which promptly led to a brawl with a pack of mushroom spider things, once that nest was cleared out Spyra and I put the statues back in place before Ignitius came in with the door finally opening*

I: Any trouble?

Spyra: A little insect problem. Nothing we couldn't handle.

Sparx: Little insects? My tail section.

*I approached the next door and the blue gems had apparently given me the words to enter*

Me: The past is prelude, tomorrow a dim promise. Allow us entrance, do not reject us.

*Ignitius looked at me in shock but seeing the Blue gems near me made him understand*

Spyra: what's that about?

Me: Blasted apes descrated the interior as well or the door would've opened now. We'll have to put any statue we find back into place.

*I spotted a way to enter through a side passage*

Me: Spyra over here. *I crouched down* and watch the claws please.

*Spyra saw what i was thinking and hopped up using me before i climbed up*

I: careful young ones. Cinder's forces are surely on their way.

*After even more fighting and statue pushing we reached the inner temple, and Ignitius told us that the blue gems we encountered are called Spirit Gems, inside is the experience and wisdom of the past from those who came before, of course we ended up further fighting more apes even encountering a Ape Commander, the largest of the apes as Ignitius pushed the three of us back standing between us and the apes*

AC(ape commander): Well Ignitius, we grabbed your Guardian buddies. But you managed to escape our clutches. Until now.

*Ignitius decided to show us his skill as a Dragon Master and easily beat the Ape Commander and his group but he did sustain a few injuries, leaving me and Spyra to finish the remaining Grunts inside the Temple, once all was cleared we reached a large overhang which looked like a spot for dragons to catch the winds and fly off, but Spyra looked beyond the horizon and grew saddened*

Me: Behold, Spyra. Look at all Cinder has done. All the Islands are now under her iron rule. But there is still hope Spyra. Together we'll bring hope to all of them, if you are willing.

*Spyra looked at me determined and nodded, not long after Ignitius began to train me and Spyra in the Art of Fire, allowing us to use Fire to its fullest, meanwhile i experimented with some old armor laying around and forged some armor for myself which would adapt to the enviroment we enter (will post a decent picture later) and it would allow me to fly since my magic also has the innate pull to do so, doing some minor tests inside so I'd be ready, soon Sparx rushed to me saying Ignitius wants me*

I: Ah, Connor, i see you are prepared as can be. Excellent. I have learned that Voltair, one of the Guardians, is being guarded in Dante's Freezer. You and Spyra must rescue him.

Me: Was planning that for the start Sir.

*Ignitius smiled and brought me and Spyra to the overhand again and showed Spyra she could fly which surprised Sparx, and further shocked him when i started flying too, taking the lead form where Ignitius pointed us Me and Spyra flew heading to Dante's Freezer*

((Hi everyone i know its been a while and i am so sorry about that. Between writers block, work and a few other things i was beyond busy but i do thank each one of you who takes the time to read my admittedly crappy books. I do hope you'll support me and by all means feel free to throw ideas, tips and stuff at me. Just don't be rude please and thank you.))

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