Help me.

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Chapter 2. " Help"


I awoke that morning with Keri by my side.  I'm home schooled, so is Keri. It was a Saturday morning. I had gotten up with my white flowy top and flowy pajama pants that my grandmother had made me. My parents died when I was young. They had gotten into a car accident when we lived in the city. They drove into a lake. Anyways, I walked over to my dresser and put on my white short sleeved top that had pink ribbon near the top of it. I also had blue jeans on. My grandmother has to make my clothing. She thinks that I like those pretty girly things, but i have to be thankful. We live in Fontana, Kansas, population 218. Small town. My grandmother doesn't have any money to buy us those fancy little things that you get in town, nor enough to even buy food there. So, we have our own farm. Precicely 12 pigs. 6 females and 6 males. 14 chickens. 7 females and 7 males. And 18 cows. 9 females and 9 males. My grandmother is a very good cook, but usually I'm the one going and chopping their heads off. I don't like to, but if you don't have enough money you wouldn't starve would you? Every two weeks we make the females get pregnant, but I don't know anythinig about that. My grandma has my Uncle Stewie come and do that.


I threw Keri some clothes to put on. We walked downstairs and found eggs, bacon, and a glass of milk siting on the kitchen table, I had made the glass for my grandmother when I was 10. Im 14 now. I gulped it all downl in 18 bites. We already had our journals and pencils ready to go, but first i have to go milk the cow, cut off one chicken head and get three corn stalks. Oh I forgot to mention that we grow corn, wheat, peas, tomatoes, and green beans. My grandmother trades with this man named Tim about 100 ft away from us. We give him work clothes, and he gives us beans. We give him 5 jugs of milk, he gives us pigs, cows, and chickens. We trade about 3 times a week.


I gave my grandmother the plucked ckicken and the milk jug thats\ were full  to the top . That should be good enough. We have plenty of food in the fridge, enough to last us a week and about 5 gallons of milk in the fridge to last us about 2 or 3 weeks. Oh! I forgot to pick the tomatoes and green beans! "Come on Keri! I have to go pick the tomatoes and beans before my grandmother notices! Hurry up and get your butt down here!" I yelled at Keri in a rush. "I'm coming!" She yelled back stomping down the steps. I took her by the wrist and pulled her along with me while I ran to the garden. " Wait you stay here and start picking! I forgot the basket!" I ran all the way back to the house and got the woven wooden basket out of my grandmothers' rocking chair. Then I ran all the way back. " Put them in here!" I started picking as fast i could . My Grandoma needed 10 Tomatoes and 20 beans. " You get the tomatoes while i get the beans!" I told Keri. "Spice...?" She said and a soft litle tone. "What!?" "Why are you in such a rush?" She asked. "Because, if i dont get my chores done by 12 I'm going to get curssed out by my grandmother and more likely beaten!" I said in a serious tone, but yet a commanding tone. " She wouldn't beat you..would she?" " She tries, but she can hardly get up the stair case!" She giggled. We ran back to the house with the basket full of beans and tomatoes.

We rushed back to the house. We grabbed our notebooks and homeade pencils and left for the meadow. We layed on our stomaches with our feet in the air and drew and wrote. This time Keri was drawling a little girl swinging and singing. "hmmm lalala deee whoaaa yeahhh" Keri sang in a little soft tune. I smiled to myself.  

We were about an hour into writing and drawling. Then i see the little girl again. "There she is ." Keri looked up. Here eyes got big. i started walking up the hill. And again the little girl stared at me. i was halfway up the hill this time and she still didn't run. i walked with small little footsteps. Then suddenly something held me against my will against the tree. "Keri help me!" Keri ran up the hill. She tried to touch me, but something kept pushing her back and she kept falling. "I can't!"  "Keep trying!" I yelled back. Then i flopped on the ground like a noodle. I was passed out.

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