A-Z Of Medicinal Plants and Tools

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This section includes an alphabetical list of herbs used in the warriors world, in addition to tools that medicine cats use.

[type | appearance | locale | season | uses | storage]


Alder Bark
. herb.
. dusty grey/brown in color with a flaky texture.
can be found where the soil is damp, especially along rivers and in wetlands.
. can be found all year around, but is easiest to remove from trees in Newleaf when the rain has softened the tree's bark.
. can be chewed to soothe toothaches and/or to clean teeth.
. store in a damp, cool, airy location; needs replaced every two moons.


Beech Leaves
. tool.
. medium to dark green in color with an oblong shape and saw-tooth edges.
. grows in clay loam soil along rivers and in moist areas with drainage.
. anytime aside from late Leaf-fall and throughout Leafbare.
. very large thick leaves used mainly by ThunderClan to wrap herb mixtures and otherwise transport medicine.
. store in a damp, cool, airy location; needs replaced every half moon.

. tool.
. vine-like, crawling ground cover with small white flowers budding along it's length.
. can be found almost anywhere as it is technically an invasive weed.
. grows from Newleaf to Leafbare.
. stems can be wrapped around a broken leg along with a stick to enforce correct bone healing.
. store in a shaded location; replace every six moons.

Blackberry Leaves
. herb.
. bright green stem with typically three like-colored, spiny leaves.
. grows effectively in areas that get a lot of sun.
. leaves will be available year-round aside from when the canes (stems) die temporarily in Leafbare.
. leaves can be chewed to a pulp and placed on bee stings to soothe them, or be taken orally to soothe a sore throat.
. store in a shaded, damp location; replace every half moon

Blazing Star
. herb.
. large yellow flower with five pointed petals that resemble a star, and spiky leaves.
. Unknown.
. Unknown; likely Greenleaf.
. Used to cure the mysterious illness in Dawn of the Clans, though has no known use in modern day warriors.
. Unknown.

. herb.
. bush-like arrangement of individual stems crowded by small pink flowers.
. prefers very sunny, humid locations with very minimal shade.
. plants will bloom from mid to late Greenleaf, so drying the ones meant for decoration is recommended.
. used mostly to decorate a dead cat's body for burial; can be mixed with Lovage to aid a cat who is suffering a mild cough.
. store in a shady, damp location; replace every half moon or when available

Borage Leaves
. herb.
. long, textured green leaf with small purple flowers in a star shape with fuzzy red stems.
. can be found mostly in very sunny spots that don't get too much shade, though can also grow in areas with medium amounts of sunlight.
. available in plentiful supply during Newleaf and Greenleaf.
. used commonly to increase milk production in queens; can help lower the temperature of a cat's fever.
. store in a moist location; replace every two moons.

Burdock Root
. herb.
. thick, dusty brown roots (when lots of fluid within); the plant can be identified by a low arrangement of oblong, frilly green leaves and spiny purple flowers.
. grows in well-drained soil that gets at least equal parts sun and shade, though is more likely to grow in full sun.
. blooms mid Greenleaf; the roots should be harvested toward the end of Leaf-fall when the bloom ends.
. roots are chewed into a poultice and applied to bites and other flesh wounds; the go-to for preventing infections on new wounds, especially rat bites, and for treating wounds with already established infections.
. store in a dry, shady location; replace every leaf-fall.

. herb.
. expansive plant of tall green stems and small pink flowery heads with small spiky leaves.
. can be found in areas where the shade is dappled such as under a canopy of trees.
. active from Newleaf to mid Greenleaf.
. dried flowers are used to give cats with muscle weakness strength, and to give cats endurance for physical activity; a Traveling Herb.
. dry flowers in the sun until no longer soft to the touch, yet not to the point they are flaky or brittle; store hanging upside down in a shaded location; replace every Newleaf.


. herb.
. pale green stems with long thin leaves.
. grows in cool, moist soil and can be found along shaded areas along rivers or other bodies of water.
. grows slowly during Leafbare and can be found year-round, though is best to be harvested at the end of Newleaf.
. used topically to help hold poultices into place on wounds; when eaten helps to fight infections and reduces area specific swelling when applied as a pulp.
. store in large bundles on a clean surface in the shade; replace every Newleaf.

. herb.
. small overgrown ground cover having typically six leaves in one stem; leaves are green, small, oval, and textured.
. can almost exclusively be found in the twolegplace, though can be found on occasion in a perfectly monitored location of partial sun and shade with moist soil.
. grows all year, though can't be found in Leafbare.
. leaves can be rubbed on the bodies of the dead to improve their scent; catmint is also the primary herb used to fight greencough and whitecough, and can be quite effective at this when eaten.
. store in a shaded location; replace as often as possible or at least every three moons.

. herb.
. ground cover with heart-shaped leaves of a dusty green color and small yellow flowers similar to a buttercup, but distinguishable by having eight pointed petals instead of five cupped petals.
. grows in damp meadows or along the thunderpath; enjoys damp soil that has been disturbed at some point.
. emerges late Leafbare and blooms until mid Newleaf.
. the juices of this plant's stem can be dropped into a cat's damaged eyes to soothe them, especially after applying a healing herb to the eye that stings.
. store in a damp location; replace every Newleaf.

. herb.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2021 ⏰

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