The Storm

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It's been a month since Seokjin started here and it's not getting any easier, right now I am watching him with his hands all over a female client, massaging her back, listening to her moan telling Jin how wonderful his hands are and how she wishes she could take him home, I growl deep down in my throat, seething with her every word. He's tried talking to me, telling me he wants to explain what happened but I keep walking away, there is nothing to explain, he broke my sisters heart and I'll never forgive him. 

He said he loved her but then just left her and me without a word, him and I had gone out drinking the night before he disappeared, talking about his future with her and how he and I would open our own business together, then the next day he was gone, he didn't even say good bye to me. The way he smiles at that girl makes me hate her more, I hate her because he should be smiling at me like that, I am in love with my former best friend, I always have been and never stopped. He sees her to the door and tells her he will see her next week, she smiles and blows him a kiss, "you have my number, use it Jinnie."

 I stood up like I was going to do something to her, they turned to look at me and the look on my face must have scared her off because she walked out without another word. Jin's eyes were on me and I quickly turned and walked away to my office where I leaned against my door and took a deep breath, I hate what he does to me.

About an hour later Namjoon stuck his head in my office, "weather report just said that a huge snow storm is heading our way, so I am releasing everyone early, what time is your last appointment today." "4", I say looking at my laptop. "Okay as soon as you are done you leave", he says. I nod and close my laptop, I had about an hour before my client got here so I prepared the hot tub for him and cleaned up the room we'd be in till Hobi called for me.

"Seokjin, wake up", he sat up quickly, holding his heart trying to catch his breath. "Oh my god, I fell asleep, what time is it", He asks breathlessly. "Calm down its 6, your last appointment cancelled, Hobi announced it over the intercom, after that we thought you left, I was about to leave when I saw your light on and looked in here and saw you asleep", I say sounding annoyed.

 "Why are you here so late", He asks eyeing me suspiciously. "Not that it's any of your business but I had a client, I had to stay after and clean the hot tub and work out room", I say turning to walk out. "Why did you have to clean it Taehyung, what did you do with your client thinking you were here by yourself", he yells. I turn to look at him like he's crazy, "my job, that's what I did, are you insinuating that I have sex with my clients here at work, what's wrong Seokjin, jealous."

 "So what if I am, I hate the way you talk to your clients and the way you touch them and I wouldn't be surprised by the way they act around you that you have taken them home and fucked them", Jin yells and I am taken aback. "What exactly are you jealous of Seokjin", I tease. He huffs and grabs his coat pushing me out of the way to leave, I chuckle and walk out behind him turning his light off. When we opened the front door we were both blown back by the storm, "holy shit Jin shut the door hurry." 

"What the hell, where did this come from, how are we going to get out of here its complete white out conditions", he says. "Namjoon mentioned a storm coming, he tried to get us out of here early but my client took longer than expected", I say noticing Jin's glare on me. "Yea I'm sure he did", he said walking back to his office and slamming the door. "What the hell is wrong with him, why is he acting like this", I wondered.

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