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'*•.¸♡ day 1, month X, year X ♡¸.•*'
act V : rewind

something felt amiss. yes, he knew he had definitely travelled back in time successfully. yes, he knew that he could save you from that tragic death looming over you.

it was so strange. he entered the knights of favonius headquarters, just like he would, but the guard standing outside revealed something that made him concerned.

"mr. albedo? strange, i thought you had just went in... nevermind, probably just imagined it."

he didn't reply, simply nodding to the guard. "is this meant to be a joke?"

he entered the library, eyes darting around anxiously, hoping to see you somewhere.

there you were, hiding in a quiet corner. suddenly, it felt as if his sanity returned; he was able to have a peace of mind for the first time in a long time.

that is, until he spotted someone a little bit too familiar to him.


sitting next to you.

albedo's eyes widened as he realised his mistake. he hadn't accounted that he would have a past self.

turning around instantly, he made to leave before his past self would notice him, rushing out of the building.

meanwhile, the past albedo had already followed him outside, drawing his blade.

rewind. #albedoWhere stories live. Discover now