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'*•.¸♡ day ?, month ?, year ? ♡¸.•*'
➵ act IV : his insanity

albedo had long kept count of the days that passed by, but he estimated that a year or so had passed.

a year since the incident. a year since albedo abandoned all of his research to devote his time to one project: project rewind.

project rewind's purpose was dedicated to you. albedo shut his self from rest of the world, resigning from the knights of favonius and moving into his lab in dragonspine. the same place you had died in.

at first, he couldn't cope with his grief. now, he couldn't cope with the endless nightmares and hallucinations. he had long crossed the border into insanity.

sometimes, he swore that he could see your body still there. he could hear your voice, but you were no where to be seen.

hours turned to days and months since he started the project. with barely any rest, he sketched, tried and tested over ten thousand different prototypes of his creation, the time machine. each time he failed, he could hear you mocking him.

finally, he created experiment X-10263, and he fully believed it would work. all that was left was to transport himself back to a year ago, before you had died, and prevent subject two from killing you.

he never knew about the one flaw in his plan, however, as he stepped into it, set the date back a year and hoped for the best.

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