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"It's not much but we'll have the house mostly to ourselves. My sisters are still at school and my dad is at work." Zayn stammered nervously as he realized this was the first time bringing anyone into his home that wasn't Louis, not even Niall or Liam had been to his place before.

It was in this moment, as he fumbled to get the door open, he wished that he had decided to stay in the dorms. Harry gave an assuring pat on the back, and Zayn grimaced as he finally got the door open, allowing Harry in. The latter stepped in to the house, looking around carefully and curiously. The house was small but cozy, every inch covered with family pictures and baby pictures. He pointed excitedly at the portrait of a toddler with a pacifier in his mouth that hung above the fireplace and then pointed at Zayn. Zayn chuckled before nodding.

"Yeah that's me, mum's obsessed with capturing every moment of our life to keep forever." He answered and Harry's grin grew larger, practically feeling the warmth and love this family shared flowing from every corner in this house. "Come on, let's go study then." Zayn as he headed up the stairs, Harry following suite.

Zayn's room wasn't the biggest room in the house but it sure was the most artistic. A double bed was placed in the far right corner of the room, a desk placed right next to with a record player on top of it. On the wall hung a shelf with a large assortment of records, the rest of the wall covered with posters of renowned musicians such as Michael Jackson. The most interesting part of the room was that one wall was covered in graffiti which caused Harry's mouth to drop. He pointed at it, wondering how to ask whether his parents were alright with it.

"Yeah, when I was about sixteen I had a day where I wasn't feeling all too good. So I grabbed a can and started spraying the walls. My Baba had a heart attack when he saw it but I promised I'd repaint the walls when I eventually moved out and well, he saw how much I enjoy doing it so he doesn't mind all that much." Zayn answered, somehow knowing what Harry was going to ask without him even getting the chance to do so. Harry laughed, a hearty sound escaping his lips as he stared at the wall and the sight alone was enough to take away any worry you might have.

"Harry?" Zayn began and the brunette turned to him, giving him his full attention. "You don't use sign language right?" He had been wondering this since the first time he had met Harry. He had come this conclusion when he noticed how random and rough his movements were. Harry shook his head before pulling out his phone and typing up a message.

I never really had the chance nor the time to learn. But it's fine, I can live without it. I can hear instructions fine so it's not the end of the world

"Oh, ok. I was just wondering. We understand each other in any case, so I guess that's what matters the most." Zayn answered and Harry cocked a brow before typing again.

You say this as if you were planning to use sign language with me

"Well, I don't know sign language, but I was going to learn so I could understand you better."

That's very nice of you Zayn. You're such a good person. Anyway, you're somehow able to understand me so I think we'll be fine

Zayn blushed at Harry's words and shook his head. "I'm really not a good person Harry." He said with a sad smile, "Anyway, homework?" Harry rolled his eyes before nodding.


"Zayn!" Safaa burst into her brother's room, giggling with Waliyha hot on her tail. The smaller girl stood still in her step, the older sister doing the same as they stared with wide eyes at the sight in front of them. Zayn and Harry were both asleep on Zayn's bed, the laptop they were using open at the foot of the bed and their notes scattered around them.

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