O Come All Ye Unfaithful Part I

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O Come All Ye Unfaithful Part I

Ester sat once more in her newly deemed 'sitting room' that Violet had procured for her. It used to be the nursery for the Bridgerton children but as it was, Ester found herself just sitting in there most days. Violet slowly began calling it "Ester's Sitting Room" and now it's been deemed that.

Which worked out brilliant for her as Anthony stayed clear of the room at all cost. Benedict said it was 'to provide his overly pregnant wife some space'. Either way Ester didn't mind.

Anthony picked up many more road travels for the King and Queen to collect their taxes so he more often than not was never at Bridgerton Manor. Viscount Luca Jorma and Anthony had become rather good friends over the course of their travels--at least according to his letters he incessantly still wrote.

Eloise currently was sitting below Ester reading yet again, another, apology letter/informative letter to Ester on his current life situation. Eloise found more joy in them than she did.

Maybe it is because he spends most of the time sounding like an apologetic child who just got caught eating cookies out of the jar after being told no a thousand times.

Ester chuckled and played it off as a cough when Eloise looked behind her.

"Are you even listening?" Eloise asked, a rather trimmed eyebrow cocked upwards while the other remained in it's natural resting position.

"Honestly, no." Eloise scoffed and removed the fur coat around her shoulders.

"That is fair as I mainly am here to procure some of the warmth of your body heat." Which was a natural thing for Ester now. Many Bridgerton children would sit right up against her as her body temperature was at an all time high and having two children inside her apparently made her a fireplace.

Ester was never cold anymore. The other Bridgerton's however, always seemed to be. The situation in whole did wonders on Ester's fragile nerves. Her growing belly, swollen ankles, back acne, stretch marks and intense mood swings only added to the anxiety of having people squish against her for their own benefit.

"Either way, what else is in the letter? Anything I truly need to know?" Ester called to Eloise looking at the almost completed nursery re-decorating process.

"Yes, he has mentioned he is coming for the holidays a week earlier than planned. He should be here within four days--which according to this post date, two days from now." Ester groaned and outstretched her legs on the foot rest they were on.

"Brilliant. Simon and Daphne arrive tomorrow afternoon so I will only get one full day for people I actually want to be around. That is, besides the absence of Colin." Eloise groaned.

"Don't remind me, if I could see Rome during Christmas I would drool like a child for sweets. Only in a Roman Colosseum would cure my passion for knowledge." Ester chuckled.

Gregory below Eloise, who was playing with his soldiers rolled over onto his back.

"I would love to see where the Gladiators fought and pillaged criminals!" Ester chuckled and kicked over one of his toys.

"Looks like I just knocked down General George. Your battle strategies are lacking General." Gregory chuckled and picked him back up to the upright position.

Ester then felt a strong sensation from the inside her her rib. It honestly felt like someone had run her over with a carriage several times--which then reminded her of her mother. Her poor innocent mother who Ester was sure was murdered by her older sister and brother in law.

That reminds me, I need to write to the Constable once more. Ester had been writing consecutively since her thoughts were persuaded with the idea of fowl play involved. Which concerned her.

What made the situation worse was Ester couldn't physically go to Scotland to sort the whole thing out. Society however once again ruled over her life and deemed her incapable of leaving Bridgerton Manor for fear of her children freezing to death or falling out of her stomach in a carriage ride.

Ester then decided to stand up to try and put her two thrashing children within her womb to rest once more. However when she realized she couldn't get up, Greg, immediately ran to get Benedict knowing full well he was the only one that could life the 'whale' as he so kindly called her.

A small shred of dignity she had left was gone when Benedict came in and laughed...yes...laughed at her current state. Dress undone in the back, skirts pulled to her thighs and her shoes kicked off somewhere in Ester's sitting room.

"You sure have outdone yourself this evening dear sister in law. However will my brother be able to embrace you upon your return?" Ester glared daggers into Benedict's eyes.

"He won't embrace me, firstly. Secondly, no one can. Which works out for me as I can't stand being touched at this moment. Being violated by the physician every month has made me restricted to physical human contact for a while." The group winced but nevertheless laughed through the uncomfortable comment.

Which reminds me, I have another letter for you sister. It came through the post yesterday but I forgot to give it to you."

Ester fully extended after a few tries and replaced her bare feet with shoes once more. Reaching her hand out she read the-somewhat legible- handwriting on the letter face.

Victor Grush

Ester hesitantly walked towards her room. The name was familiar but she was not completely certain who the man was.

Opening the letter, once she arrived to her room and sat on her bed she hesitantly read the contents.

Dearest Viscountess Ester Bridgerton,

I would firstly like to apologize for the lengthy delay of my letter. Not to explain more than necessary but I had to jump through a few hoops before I was able to reach out to you.

I am Constable Victor Grush, I was the senior Constable on duty the night of your mothers horrible passing. No fine young lady deserves a death as such.

With the multiple letters and information I have heard from you and others, I have taken the liberties to further investigate the living will and testament of Lord and Lady Sloehigh. As well as the mysterious circumstances of your mothers death.

I am very aware of the delay of my letter and understand that you are in a... trying condition are the moment but if your husband and yourself  could possibly make a trip or a response to me before the new year festivities that would be fantastic.

As I would like to further investigate upon your permissions.

Constable Victor Grush

Ester couldn't move, couldn't speak. It was, almost as if her baby twins understood the moment itself. They did not move or dig into her ribs. The only thing that filled her thoughts was the Justice her parents death and will would receive.

Putting a hand on her stomach she smiled through the flowing tears down her cheeks.

"We're going North babies. With or without your father."

Quickly ringing the bell for help packing her trunks

Hello lovelies! It has been awhile since the last update but as the updates going on currently are fillers till Season 2, I promise the timing is perfect. There will be another update before the Holidays and then a third before the New Year!!

May your days be merry and Happy Christmas! (If you don't celebrate, Happy Holidays as well!)


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