𝐿𝑎𝑛 𝑍ℎ𝑎𝑛 𝑥 𝑂𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑜𝑙𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟! 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟

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- Requested: No

-Fluff with Angst(?)

- Female Reader

After Wei Ying's death, saying Lan Zhan was saddened by this was an understatement.

Lan Y/n being the oldest out of the three, comforted her younger brother much as she could.

But it was never it enough. And to make things worse, they're Uncle decided to make an arranged marriage between Lan Zhan and some daughter of a minor clan.

Lan Y/n was enraged, how could her own Uncle do this?! She knew she had to do something.


During the meeting between the two clans, the Female was acting really clingy to Lan Zhan. And he clearly showed he's discomfort.

"So it's settled then! This marriage will benefit both of our clans!" The other clan leader said happily.

"Yes it certainly will." Lan Qiren replied.

As they other clan members got up to leave, someone came and interrupted them.

Lan Y/n came into the room and the aura around her was full of resentment, it made her dangerous to approach.

"Who said your going anywhere? Sit back down." Lan Y/n proclaimed.

The 'soon-to-be-wife' Of Lan Zhan stood up and bowed to her soon sister-in-law, But Lan Y/n didn't take this as a good thing.

The female Lan took the girls chin in between her fingers, and looked at her dead in the eyes. The shorter one (your tall) awaited an answer.

But when Lan Y/n spoke finally, it wasn't anything good.

"So this is the bitch that my brother is marrying? Disgusting."

Everyone was shocked by this, even Lan Zhan.

"Y/n, these are our guests. Where are your manners?" Lan Qiren yelled.

"Guests?! I don't see them as such. This bitch thinks when she marries into the this family, she'll be more popular and will be noticed by everyone. My brothers deserves only the best, I know them better than anyone and this is not someone I want to call my sister-in-law for the rest of my life." Lan Y/n finished her explanation.

"How dare you! My daughter is perfect in every way!" The other clan leader shouted.

"To marry into a clan like ours, there are requirements."

"She meets all of them! She can be the perfect housewife for your brother."

"Oh really. That's not I meant. My requirements are, does she have any skill in Cultivation?"

This stunned the clan leader. "No..."

"Alright, fair enough. She is still a lady so she can't really hold a sword that well, like me. But what about...medicine? Talisman? Archery? Knife skills?"


"Than that settles it, if she married to my brother. What can she bring to our clan? Nothing. That's what. Not to mention her face. I've seen demons that looks better than her, and trust me I have standards." Lan Y/n than grabbed Lan Zhan by the wrist and dragged him away.

The other female was shaking with rage, she pulled out one of her hair pins and tried to stab Lan Y/n.

But unlike her, Lan Y/n's senses are stronger than hers and feel dangers all around her. Unsheathed her blade, and had to it the others throat.

Lan Zhan was stunned by this, as his sister was always a calm person.

"I suggest you leave before I do something I will never regret. This is my clan, if you did stab me you will be charged with assault against me."

The other clan left in a hurry before they pissed off the Lan Female even more.

Lan Y/n left the room, dragging her brother along.

Lan Qiren was left stunned, he didn't his niece had such a side to her.


-Written in one sitting

-Had this scenario in my head for a while

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