My Comfort Starts With You

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TWs: Cheating

George was restlessly moving around in his bed. His thoughts not letting him fall asleep even though he knew he was sleep deprived. The events that took place throughout the day flowing through his mind like a waterfall.

He wanted to cry, but at the same time he couldn't. He was already tired and drained from all the crying he did earlier. His eyes were dry and puffy.

He groaned softly as to not wake Clay up who was in the other room, and sat up against the headboard. He wanted to walk around but decided against it as he knew his roommate was a light sleeper.

Instead he curled up and hugged his knees against his chest, resting his head on top of them while his brain replayed everything that happened not even twelve hours ago.


George finally got off the bus and started walking towards his boyfriend's place. He wanted to give him a surprise visit and also propose to him if the conditions seemed in his favour.

The walk to Eryc's house wasn't a long one. George skipped his way towards the front door and was about to ring the doorbell when he heard talking inside and stopped for a second.

'Maybe Eryc has a friend over.' He thought, but when he listened to the conversation briefly, he found out how wrong he was.

"Oh c'mon baby, you should just break up with that George guy." A voice that didn't belong to Eryc said.

"I have actually been thinking about it, he isn't that interesting after all. But I wanted to use him more before I leave him. Last time he visited he got me an apple watch." Eryc said.

George's eyes filled with tears as he knocked on the door while blinking his tears away. A moment later the door opened revealing Eryc and another male. George put on a fake smile and hoped he looked normal.

"George?! What a surprise!" Eryc said with an obvious fake smile. George chose to ignore it as he hugged him and then looked over at the other guy.

"I wanted to visit you but I guess you have friends over." George said, still eyeing the other male in the room.

"Uh... yeah. Just homies hanging out y'know?" Eryc said with a nervous chuckle. George smiled and went to sit on the couch.

"Hi, I'm George." George introduced himself to the unfamiliar man.

"I'm Daniel, nice to meet you." Daniel said. Eryc came over to the two and sat next to George though a little gap remained between the two. George could sense the tension building up in the room.

"Daniel can you leave the room for a bit? You can go to my room." Eryc said and Daniel complied. "George, I wanted to talk to you about something..." Eryc said. George knew what was coming and nodded with the same fake smile.

"What do you wanna talk about Eryc?" George asked simply, not even tensing at the sentence that's dreaded by most.

"I... don't think it's working out between us... I'm sorry George, but I'm breaking up with you..." Eryc said with faux sadness. George still kept smiling.

"No you're not." George said, making Eryc look at him with confusion. "I'm breaking up with you. And it's not because it isn't working out, it's because you're fucking cheating on me!"

That was George's breaking point, saying those words out aloud. Tears pricked his eyes but he was determined to not let them fall. Eryc stared at him with wide eyes as he'd just been caught.

"W-Well in my defence, you could very well be cheating on me! You literally live with another guy!" Eryc said loudly.

"I wasn't just because I actually loved you. I can't believe how dumb I was to fall for you! You don't deserve me, you'll realize that soon. Also it's not my fault that I can't afford a house like you, is it?" George replied. Eryc went silent.

"It's over, bye." George said, getting up and walking away towards the door. Eryc didn't even try to stop him as he exited the house and ran home crying. He didn't even bother waiting for the bus.

When he got home, tears still falling at a rapid pace, his roommate Clay noticed he was upset and tried to calm him down.

"I'm alright Clay, I just need some time." George said and made his way to his room rather clumsily, almost bumping into the wall.

Flashback over

George sniffled, his nose being runny after crying for hours. He sighed deeply. Questions like 'what did I do wrong that made him cheat on me?' and 'how come I never noticed when it was this obvious?' flooded his brain.

Two soft knocks on his door snapped him out of his thoughts and he made his way to the door, wiping his nose and putting on a fake smile. He opened the door and saw Clay standing on the other side.

"Hi?" George said, his voice betraying him from the lack of use.

"George I can sense how upset you are from the other room. What's been bothering you?" Clay asked. George looked down as if the floor had answers to Clay's question.

"Nothing. I'm sorry if you woke up because of me." George said.

"No no, I couldn't sleep. I can't go to sleep knowing something is making you upset." Clay said. A small, barely noticeable smile tugged George's lips.

"Just know I'm always here if you need to talk. I'll listen to you. I can't see you being sad, it makes me sad too." Clay said placing his warm hand on George's shoulder. The brunette finally gave in with a sob.

George didn't know how to reply. He couldn't reply. It was like he forgot how to speak. He could only sob again and lean his weight over Clay, his head bumping into Clay's chest.

Clay took the hint and engulfed the shorter in a delicate hug. He rubbed George's back while playing with his brown hair with his other hand. George found comfort in the blonde's hug and wrapped his arms around Clay as well.

The two stood hugging for a long while until George pulled away. Clay took hold of George's hand, leading him towards the kitchen. "Lets get you something to eat. I know you're hungry, you've not eaten anything since breakfast."

The two ate a bowl of cereal each, sitting beside each other on the couch.

"Clay?" George muttered, catching the blonde's attention.

"Hm?" He hummed, showing he was listening.

"I broke up with Eryc..." George muttered again, eating a spoonful of Cheerios. "He was never the one for me but I was too blind to realise, I guess. He cheated on me..."

"I'm sorry to hear that George... I knew that guy was a douchebag. But you deserve the world. You deserve someone who treats you like a prince, who comforts you." Clay said, trying to make the brunette happy.

"I've already found comfort." George said, resting his head on Clay's shoulder. "My comfort starts with you."
1187 words.

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