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I kick at the sand at my feet, holding onto the swing chain. I look up at the overcast sky. Great. Matches my mood completely. I can feel the uncertainty. Both in the clouds and myself.

I told my dad.

He responded weirdly. I don't know if it'd even count as a response. He looked at me for a few seconds, said, "really," and then headed up to his room. Ignored me for the next few hours. So I left to clear my mind.

I don't think it's working.

My phone buzzes in my pocket. I pull it out, picking up.

"Hey, Ronnie," I sigh.

"Hey. You okay? You haven't responded to any of the Heathers' texts. Something wrong?" I swallow.

"Nothing huge," I say cautiously. "I just didn't really feel like talking to anyone today."


"I'm fine." As I say this, I can feel that hot lump in my throat, the burn of my eyes as tears build up. I compose myself before talking more. "Promise."

"If something happened, you can tell me. I'll be here for you no matter what." I sigh.

"Meet me at the playground."

"Give me ten minutes." She promptly hangs up. I tuck away my phone, tilting my head back to keep the tears from rolling down my face. It's taking too long for her to get here. What am I doing? I'm just about to stand up when I hear the crunch of sand under shoes behind me.

"Hey, Ronnie."

"Hey." I don't look at her as she claims the swing beside mine. I anxiously rub my hands together. "What's up?"

"I, uh..." I swallow hard. "I came out to my dad."

"What did he say?" I close my eyes.

"He said 'really' and then went to be alone." I finally look at her. "What the hell does that even mean?" She purses her lips, reaching over and patting my arm.

"Y/n..." I leap to my feet.

"I mean, come on. It's me. I'm me. That's who I am. And he just..." I hear my voice quaver. I clench my fists and sit back down. "Shit..."

"I'm sorry, y/n." I shake my head.

"Don't. Don't be." She stands up, stepping closer and wrapping her arms around me. I bury my face in her shirt, quivering. "I just... I wanted him to know."

"I know you did."

"It wasn't supposed to happen like this. He would have accepted me wholeheartedly. Right?" She goes quiet for a bit, holding me close.

"Right." I hug her tighter. She gently runs a hand through my hair. "I'm so sorry..."

"Please don't say that."

"But I am, that's so horrible, y/n. I-" I stand up, looking at her.

"Please, Veronica." She looks down, then nods.

"Okay." I wipe at my face with a fist, taking a shaky breath.

"I don't know what to do." She rubs my back. I plop back down on the swing. "I'm scared to go back."


"I am. I don't know why. People have it worse than me. I know that, but..." I pause, collecting my thoughts. "I just don't want my dad to see me differently because of who I am."

Only a Matter of Time // Veronica Sawyer x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now