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I lean on the locker beside JD's, watching my friend as he tries to yank his bag into his locker.

"Y'know, Jason, it'll never fit if you keep trying to force it like that."

"Whatever." He unzips it, pulling out two textbooks and placing them in the top compartment. He finally gets the bag out of the locker. I applaud him sarcastically.


"Shut up," he groans, taking out the textbooks. I grin at him. "God, you're like the annoying sibling I never had. And I never want to have one."

"Hey, fate brought us together, JD. Don't pretend like you don't adore me." He rolls his eyes.

"Keep thinking that."

"Ouch." He grins. "You're such an asshole..."

"Well, you've stuck with me thus far, so I'll assume I'm not too bad." I mutter under my breath, mimicking his voice. "I heard that."

"Whatever." We start to walk towards the doors.

"Hey!" We hear someone call out gruffly. I glance back. The two idiot jocks, Kurt Kelly and Ram Sweeney, follow behind us.

"Hi," I say in response. I grab JD's arm and hurry him along. I know why they're here. JD was reckless and made fun of them right in front of them today. I guess right now is revenge. "You're such an idiot," I mutter to him.

"I don't regret it."

"Stop talking and walk." I push him along. Some days I feel more like his babysitter than his friend. I'm suddenly yanked back by my backpack. I stumble to the ground. "What the hell?" I demand.

"Get outta the way," Kurt says to me, honing in on JD. I stand and grab the back of his jacket, pulling back. "Hey- Get off me!"

"Little bitch," I hear from behind me. I whirl around and am promptly shoved away by Ram. I hit the floor.

"Shit...," I mutter to myself. I push myself to my feet, hurrying towards the three boys. "Hey. Hey, can we all stop? Listen, you're all mature enough to put this aside." Of course I'm trying to be reasonable. But when push comes to shove - which it looks like it already did - I'll abandon hope for a nice compromise.

"Tell your girlfriend to shut up," Kurt says harshly. I scowl.

"You shut up," I retort, pushing his shoulder. He turns to me, eyes alight with anger.

"The fuck did you say to me?"

"I said shut up." Him and Ram meet eyes. They both look at me.

"You're a snappy one, huh?"

"Y/n, this isn't yours to deal with," JD says. I hold up my hand.

"Yes, it is." I turn back to the two jocks. "So kindly fuck off."

"Ooh, so scary," Ram says. "What're you gonna do?" I clench my fists, drawing back a hand.

"Woah!" Someone loops her arms under mine, holding me back before I deck Ram. "No fights in the hallways, guys. Come on." I glance back at the speaker. It's Veronica. The fuck?

"Veronica, let us deal with these two," Kurt says, glaring at JD.

"No can do, Kurt. That'd be irresponsible of me." I look back at her.

"Let me go," I mutter.

"Anyways, you guys are all mature enough to know better. Especially if you're on the football team." Ram frowns.

Only a Matter of Time // Veronica Sawyer x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now