"Mm. They look kinda confused. Maybe a bit angry." I giggle as Veronica says this.

"Because you two decided to sit with two outcasts, that's why," JD says. "They probably think you're out of your mind." Mac and Veronica share a grin.

"We are," Mac says simply.

"Definitely," Veronica agrees. The four of us burst out laughing. "Of course they're mad. They think you two are bottom feeders. But honestly? I couldn't care less."

"Me neither," Mac chimes in. "You two are so nice. They should get to know you before they judge you."

"Mac, you barely know them."

"So?" I smile. These two are so cute. Their friendship is so... Carefree. As if they don't care about being teenagers or high school or popularity when they banter. As if they're just kids. As we all should be. I pick at my food.

"So, what'll it take to get them over here?" I ask. Veronica looks me up and down, then smiles. I can tell she knows I genuinely want more friends. And I do. I really do. I forgot how good it felt to sit down in a cafeteria and just... Talk. Laugh and smile with other people.

"Make sure they know you're nice."

"We'll be on our best behavior," JD says, carefully slicking back his dark, tousled hair. It barely works, leaving us to laugh at how ridiculous he looks trying to smooth it down.

"You need a comb for that."

"Y/n, he needs a whole tub of gel. Three, maybe." As I smile, I feel a spark of warmth in my chest. I've been lacking in social interaction for so long, this is almost like I've found a pocket of fresh air to settle into.

"God, you two weren't joking." The four of us look up. A red clad strawberry-blonde stands before us.

"Hey, Channy," Veronica says. "Dukey, too! What a nice surprise." Chandler rolls her eyes, slamming her tray beside mine. Duke settles on Veronica's other side.

"We're just making sure you guys know your place," Chandler says simply. She shoots JD and I a quick glance. "Y/n. JD."

"Hey, Chandler."

"Pleasure," JD says. Duke examines me.

"You know Veronica's been trying to platonically get into your pants for weeks now, yeah?" I raise an eyebrow.

"... What the hell does that mean?"

"She's been trying to get you to become friends with her. Like some evil mastermind with her plans," Chandler says boredly. I grin, looking at Veronica.

"You've platonically gotten into my pants, happy?" She chokes on her food.

"Can we please word it a different way?"

"Fine. You've been trying to handcuff me to you and call it a friendship bracelet." Mac and JD laugh aloud. Duke snickers behind her hand. I think I hear a laugh disguised as a cough from Chandler. Veronica opens her mouth.

"I have not."

"Mhm." I turn back to my food. "Whatever you say."

"Dickwad." I give her a sickly sweet smile.

"Your dickwad, now." She rolls her eyes.

"Don't use my words against me."

"I'll do what I want to." JD elbows me.

"Damn, you're harsh for someone who just gained a second friend barely twelve hours ago." I punch his arm.

"Wanna talk about not having friends? I have a prime example right..." I poke his cheek. "Here." He pushes away my hand.


"Y'know, you're kinda funny, y/n." I look over at Duke. She gives me a small smile. Not a fake one. Not a half one that obviously hides a scowl. Not a condescending one. An actual smile. From Heather Duke. I caused that. I grin.

"Thanks." I examine the table. Mac is grinning. JD seems mildly satisfied, in his apathetic way. Duke is smiling. Chandler is at least focused on the people sitting before her. And Veronica? I meet her gaze. She seems almost proud. Satisfied by what she's bearing witness to. We share a smile. Her eyes flicker down to the table.

"See? I told you guys they were cool."

"Not cool," Chandler corrects her. "Just... Not as bad as they seemed. Well done, Sawyer. I suppose."

"So glad you approve, your majesty." At the start of the day, I had one person talking to me. Now I have five. This is all so new to me. It's all so refreshing. I mean, sure, Duke is sort of begrudgingly approving, and Chandler's still pretty prickly, but it's expected, considering their social status. And considering mine and JD's, this whole situation feels like a fever dream.

The bell rings.

"Damn, that went by quick," Veronica says. We start to gather our stuff. Chandler falls in stride with me as we start to leave the cafeteria.

"I notice we have a class together, l/n." I swallow.


"Walk with me." It's not really a request. More of a command. I glance over at Veronica one last time. She smiles as we turn the corner. I focus back on Chandler.

Something about this, all of this is... Amazing. Hanging out with the Heathers. Laughing and talking with them. Going to class with Chandler and getting an enthusiastic hug from Mac and a book recommendation from Duke. I grin.

And a dozen stunning smiles from Veronica Sawyer.

I look out the window at the stunning scenery of the sky. Below us, I see fields, a great big patchwork blanket with roads for stitches. It's so weird being in a more rural place after being in a bustling city. I guess I'll have to get used to it again.

I mean, come on. I moved from Boston to Sherwood, after being in places like New York and Chicago. That was a huge change. Sherwood was so small compared to everything else, a tight knit community.

Maybe that's why it became more of a home to me than anything else.

Only a Matter of Time // Veronica Sawyer x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now