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I wait for Harry to fall asleep.
He looks so cute and vulnerable when he sleeps, so peaceful. His mouth is slightly open and he looks just amazing. How did I get so lucky to have him in my life? Seems like I might have done something right in this life.

I take his notebook and my guitar and go to next room. I close the door between the lounge and the bedroom. Thank God that this hotel room is so big.

I open that notebook and read and reread "sweet creature". It's amazing and he thinks it's nothing special. It's special for me. Harry wrote this about me. I want to write music to that so badly. Let's see if I can make something.


"Louis?" I stir up to Harry calling my name. I must have dozed off while writing.
"I'm here," I yell back at him. He opens the door and says, "wow you are up early today."
"No I actually slept here, wanted to make music for your lyrics," I yawn.
"And how did that work out?" he asks and sits beside me, giving me a little kiss on my cheek.
"Pretty good I hope," I take my guitar and start playing. Harry sits quietly and listens quietly.
"That's amazing Lou," he beams.
"Thank you," I say," "you should sing it."
"Me? Not a chance," he laughs,"I'm crazy but not that crazy to start singing out of nowhere."
I roll my eyes to that, I know that he has a wonderful voice, he always sings under the shower.
I decide to leave it right now.

I open my phone and see that I have a few messages and shit loads of missed calls. What is going on now? Then it hits me, we were sure as hell photographed together yesterday.
I open my social media and see this.

 I open my social media and see this

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Yeah well. This explains all those calls and messages.
#larryisreal trends again. And of course there are those dudes called antis. I mean how can they say nothing is going on between us? We have been so obvious, giving so clear hints and stuff. Well whatever.

We decide to keep quiet again. We are going to tell everything once we are back at England.

"What are our plans for today?" he asks.
"We should go and meet this dude who wanted me to write for them," I tell,"I'm going to call him."
"Sure, let me just get dressed."

We get out of the hotel, weirdly no paparazzis around. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Why was I even holding it? I don't have to hide anything anymore, so fuck it when someone sees us.

We arrive at studio and we are greeted by some guy named Robert. We introduce us and apparently he's the one who needs those songs. They are going to be a soundtrack songs for one sad movie. He goes over with what movie this is and what he expects from a song and and then finally asks what do I have so far.

I take my guitar and start playing the melody I wrote last night.
"Hmm, it sounds amazing, do you have lyrics to that too?" Robert asks.
"Yes we do," I say, and here goes nothing,"Harry here will sing it," I point my finger to Harry. His eyes go wide and he shakes his head,"no, never in a million years."
"Harry cmon, sing it, I'll sing with you," I please and give him my best puppy eyes.
He sighs,"fineee, but it won't be good."
I smile and mouth"you will do great" to him, giving him a wink and thumbs up.
He stands behind the microfon and I start playing and Harry sings, I sing a few notes here and there too.

When we finish Robert says,"it's so good, it's exactly what I need. Can you two like sing it in right now right here?" he beams.
"Yeah of course," I say and look at Harry with big smile on my face.
"Okey yeah whatever," he says. It's so sad that he doesn't understand how good his words are.
One dude is here to film us too, making me anxious.

After and hour of being there we decide to go to a mall and buy some snacks for us to eat in hotel, maybe we can watch a movie later and just cuddle.

Jonathan sends me a congratulations text, that's weird why did he change so much out of nowhere.
But why is he even congratulating me? It's a bit suspicious.

"Louis, look at his," Harry says suddenly and shows me his phone.

"Woah, that's amazing," I say,"and look how many views it already has

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"Woah, that's amazing," I say,"and look how many views it already has. And it says Harry featuring Louis, you are the star here," I nudge him and give him a big smile.
"No I'm not," he says shyly.
"Oh yes you are, maybe being a singer is going to be your next career, if you one day want to change your career though," I chuckle.
"Yeah yeah whatever," he smirks and rolls his eyes playfully.
"I'd be your biggest fan," I say.
"Oh yeah? Then I'm having like an affair with my biggest fan," he gasps.
"Yes, apparently," I say with a fake sadness in my voice.
"You know it probably won't work out for us,"he sighs,"I have to go on tours now and so on, we can't see eachother so much anymore."
"Sounds like a break up to me too," I say.
"Are we going to have a break up sex now?" he tries to suppress his laughter so badly and fails totally.
"No, not this time," I say and cuddle next to him.
"Woah, are you feeling okey? Where's my no control Louis eh?" he laughs.
"Not in the mood right now. I just want to cuddle next to you, we have all the time of the world to have sex you know right," I laugh.
"Yeah true."

Life after "I dare you" project {larry stylinson}Where stories live. Discover now