4: We both arent Allowed

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Karls Pov

"NO! WHAT THE HELL!" We can hear Clay yell from the living room "I'll go check on them" I said and patted Y/N's back and headed into the kitchen....What the fluff..was all I could think as Sapnap threw a handful of flour at Clay and laughed.

The poor man had tried to shield himself from it, but it didn't really do much. Actually did nothing because now he just has flour on his arms rather than the rest of his body. Despite the fact that he had tried to be angry, he was still laughing.he then started trying, and failing,to get the flour off of him and his damn smiley face apron.

They look so cute in those, Sapnap had one on too with a fire emoji on it Y/N gave us all aprons to coexist our characters and such.

I laugh and shake my head "you guys are gonna make a mess" I scold them as I go over to help Dream clean himself up. "Well he was taking to long to roll the biscuits" Sapnap said as he giggles but he still helped clean the flour. "He's such a child" Clay sighed and hugged Karl "You love me shut up" Sapnap smirks as he washed his hands.

I smile "You should stop avoiding Y/N". Sapnap sighed "I'm not, I'm just thinking" . "Thinking my ass" Dream bud in while he continues lunch/dinner I laugh and shake my head "Come on just speak to them", "Fine Fine" Sap takes his apron off and give it to me and leaves the kitchen "He's never allowed in my kitchen again " Clay groaned I look at him and smile putting on my apron "want help?". "Of course timebomb" Clay says and pats my head as we continue cooking.

Sapnap's POV
I sigh to myself as I walk out the Kitchen and stare at Alex, George and Y/n in the living room. 'jeez why does Y/N have to be so damn annoying but so adorable'.

As I'm just admiring the three of them, George glances over at me and smiles but his smile soon turned into a glare with the mouthed word 'Man the fuck up' he's so annoying..I nod at him as he stops hugging Y/N and goes to messing with Alex leaving Y/N confused on why he moved giving me the chance to pick Y/N up and place them over my shoulder.

Y/N starts to move around make me almost drop them as I turn to leave and go upstairs "Hey stop moving I don't wanna drop you down the steps" I said as I tightened my grip around their waist "Well put me down, where are we even going" Y/N silently yelled while sort of laughing. I go into one of our rooms and sit Y/N down on the bed and then I sit next to them "Are you okay, I'm sorry I made you upset" Y/N said.

I sigh and pat their head and smile "I'm sorry that I freaked out on you but you really can't do that firefly" I lay my head on their stomach and hug their waist "I'm sorry, I'll try not too" Y/N giggles and runs their fingers through my hair..this is nice..

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