Chapter 63: His Testimony

Start from the beginning

"We dated for awhile – three and a half years, actually. The first couple years were great. The last bit? She played me perfectly. She cheated on me, but kept finding a way to make me forgive her and forget. I broke up with her a couple years ago, and we only spoken a couple times since. She showed up one day and tried to weave her way back into my life, but I told her where to go." I do recall that visit and actually Chase, I think it was me who laid down one of the final lines that day when she visited the house. Say, isn't that enough for me to get up there and testify to her nasty character? I'd at least damn well feel useful.

"Once you opened the door, what happened?" Deep breathes, deep breathes, we can all get through this without any issues, right?

"She asked me for some stuff that she left at the house, including a chair that ultimately includes chains for usage in sex." The way the last words came off his tongue and the shade of his cheeks, you could see the embarrassment in sharing his dirty secret with the whole room. I'm sorry, but that damn well still shocked the crap out of me. I wonder how much Ryan knows about that, by the way.

"Did she accept?" It was taking the knife and twisting it in deeper. He blamed himself still here and there for what happened, which I told him no matter what she would've found a way in.

"I allowed her in the house, with the agreement that she could grab the chair from the room and take it." I still say that I would've told her no, referring back to the warning from Ryan. I would've asked if it would've been fine to have someone there, and he'd have every right considering their history. Perhaps I would've went and grabbed it for her instead. But alas, as I told him, you couldn't change what happened and those determined to accomplish this would do it anyway how.

"What happened once inside the house?" This is where the emotions would begin to hit, if he would allow them. I don't know if I could ever damn through saying this without showing mine. I would've already been probably sharing it all.

"I went to open the room to the door that the chair was in, turning the doorknob. She reached around my face, pressing a cloth against my face. I tried to fight it..." I watch as he freezes, eyes glancing down, deep breath in maintaining composure. As I said, that was probably the most difficult part of it, beyond everything else that happened. It surprised me as you'd think the actual actions in the room would cause it. "I pushed against her hand as hard as I could, anything I could. But the cloth, soaked pressed against my face, it made me feel faint and I couldn't fight against it any longer. I fell to my ass right there by the door."

"Court evidence A1 displays the toxic screen from the hospital, which indicates chloroform being found in Mr. Elliott's system." I'm sorry, but she couldn't even be damn original in her actions? "What happened next that you do remember, Mr. Elliott?"

"I woke up chained to the wall, confused, shocked. I didn't have any clothes on whatsoever as she stood there before me..." You could see the emotions on his face, eyes glassy with tears, voice cracking, breathes faster. Fuck, I just wanted to wrap my arms around him and hold him right now.

"Court evidence A2 displays the chains utilized in the room at Mr. Elliott's house, as displayed. Court evidence A3 from the rape kit depicts the marks on his wrists and just above his ankles from the chains." Just imagine the crazy things that people would say if they knew about that damn room. I also couldn't help sitting here but wonder what else was there, and how it could be used to my damn advantage. I know that's the worst thing to think about right now, but sorry – he just does that to me. "Mr. Elliott, what happened next?"

"I couldn't do anything. I screamed but that was just about it. I couldn't move or fight it. She took full control. I know she stroked me, and I know she licked me, and..." It seemed every bit of that front he held was cracking right now as the tears streamed down the cheeks. I watched as he looked over to where I was sitting, and I locked my eyes with his, hoping the comfort and strength could be spread without words and arms right now. This was freaking torture. "She sucked me, and just took full advantage of the situation."

"Mr. Elliott, if you could please tell us what happened next." I'm sorry, but that damn man just told you exactly what she did, how she held him against his will and took advantage of him. Shouldn't' that be enough? Could we smack her silly now?

"I heard footsteps in the house, and yelled right away. She took off, leaving me there, as my father helped down." I still say Fletcher deserves every single treat and toy that he wants for his role in the process. Like, I am going to buy that damn the biggest present that I can think of.

"Thank you..." I hadn't taken my eyes off of him, knowing that was the easy part. He just had the depict the details. Now was the part where the original torture was enough, so they had an individual ready to make you feel even worse. Don't ask how this is fair or allowed.

"Mr. Elliott, the room you spoke of has other devices in it," Kaitlyn's lawyer starts, and I already know where this is going. "Is it fair to say that through your relationship with her that you both had some fun utilizing the various items in a BDSM essence?"

"Yes, but this wasn't one of those situations," Chase tries to counter, to which I had to absolutely agree given what we heard. I think anybody on that jury would understand that. "As I stated, we hadn't done anything or saw each other much at all since we broke up. Trust me when I say this – I was through with her."

"Given such a toxic relationship, it was surprising to hear you simply allowed her to enter the house." Oh yeah, twist that knife just a little deeper. Can I just call you bitch?

"I figured the easiest, quickest way to get rid of her was to allow her to take what she wanted. I was tired, I just wanted to be done with it. I made the wrong choice." He didn't need to add that last part, but I knew that was going to eat at him for a long time. I swear I am going to remind him once a day, nah three times a day, that it wasn't his fucking fault.

"Is it possible that you're still mad at what happened in the relationship, and trying to frame her?" I'm sorry, but I don't think I was the person that laughed hardest at that assumption.

"She drugg-"

"What if you drugged yourself to help set her up? What if it was all part of the BDSM fun that you guys had together? Nobody knows once inside those halls of the house if you offered her a fun time once again." Instead of slapping Kaitlyn – actually, well I slap Kaitlyn, can I please slap this bitch too?

"That's not what happened. I swear. She took full advantage of me because she's still pissed off that I broke up with her." Bingo. Thank you. There's your mic drop, ladies and gentleman.

"Guess that's for the jury to decide. I am done."

It wasn't long after that court was called together, with Bill and Cindy both wrapping their arms around him to offer comfort as the tears continued to crept down his cheeks. The emotions of it all, from the pain to blame and now anger, just fueled the motivation to get out of there quicker and head back to Colorado for some fun together.

"I've got you Chase," I tell him as we sit in the back of the plane together, my arms wrapped around him just as tightly as I wanted to the entire time sitting in that court room. I had no complaints in accepting Bill's offer to fly us all back as this is what I wanted, and knew he needed. "I'm not letting you go. It's going to be okay. She's going to pay for what she did." 

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