CHAPTER 15 (FLASHBACK and some reality)

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"Tae you can't catch me" Kookie said while giggling

"Really? You think that i am not going to leave you" Tae said and start chasing kookie

Tae and kookie giggle while chasing each other sometimes later they got tried and seat with each other

"I wish we always like this" Kookie said while putting her head on tea shoulder

"Why wish? Just believe we will always like this"

"Hmm? Will we be like this? "

"We will be like this princess"

"Yeah yeah my prince  I am happy I have you in my life"

"No I am happy I have
you in my life"


Hehehe~ I see
heart in your eyes"

"And you are too
sweet for this heart"

"Why so lovely today? "

"Idk I just feel like
I should be"

"King, they find us we are here"
Ray come and said

"Hmm you go and
ready the soldiers
I will come back soon"

Ray nodded and leave


Taehyung face kookie

I have to go"

"Where? "

"I have to kill my
father murders"

"You really have to? "

"Yeah but I promise
I will come back"

Kookie let go tae with tears in her eyes Tae leave also with tears

In fight

"So where is your king? " One of them sad

"Our king be here soon" Ray said

"Really? I think your king
Is a coward" Then a second man said laughing with his members but then a arrow cuts that man neck

The opposite team king gasp  because the arrows were killing his soldiers

"If you want then show your face us to you coward" The king said

Then tae come

"It's a long time
I didn't see you lee"
Tae said

"Yeah I saw you last
When I killed your dead"
Lee said

Taehyung could not control
His anger and ray understand
It so he tell everyone to attack

every one who was in Tae team started attacking lee soldiers

Half of the soldiers die in both of team tae and ray killed then soldiers in front and others soldiers were killing back ones

Sometimes later

"I am— I am sorry king taehyung p-pls give m-me second chance" Lee said he see everywhere only he see was dead body of his soldiers

Ray cut by Tae

"When I was a kid you killed my dad
I was baeing
You to stop but you didn't
And you killed him you also will die"
Tae cut lee neck from his sword

"Hyung you should leave I will come
Sometimes later"

Ray nodded and left

Tae take a deep breath tears were falling from his eyes

"Appa i-i did it I killed your murders"

But then

Tae feel something in his stomach

It was a sword

He turn his head and see


"I c-can't believe you do t-this with m-me"

**✿❀ ❀✿**

Yoongi wake up and see he was in hospital he then see around the face hobi, then it hit him

" What was all that and who was kookie and Tae" He rub his plam and then put them on his face

"So you are up"

Yoongi face the man

"You are the priest who help hobi, why are you here"

"Yoongi everything you see was truly happened"

"What are you saying? "

"The dream you see I am going to tell you the truth

Kim Taehyung is you the king of daegu known as Kim Hyun-Woo

Kookie is hobi the princess of Gwangju know as jeon sun-hee

You both were born for each other in past in present and will in future both of your love is pure towards no matter what, how and when it happens but you both ended up for being together and what you see was your and hobi past story and now what both of you do will be taehyung and kookie story "

"But didn't kookie kill taehyung in past that mean taehyung love was pure but what kookie do was fake she did fake love to taehyung" Yoongi said with anger

"That's what you think not tae, cause taehyung and kookie made for each other like you and hobi"

"Wait then you are saying me and hobi are Tae and kookie so as both of them meant for each other we both are also meant for each other? "

The priest nodded

"Kookie is hobi so if I give hobi a chance what if she also kill me like kookie do to taehyung I will not love hobie and never fall for her" Yoongi left

The priest see hobi sleeping but she have tears

"Kookie did was wrong to you yoongi but from tae pov she was pure her love is pure just like hobi"

Fake but true love | yoonseokحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن