Chapter 2

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I go to school for the next couple months hanging out with Peter and his friend Ned as much as possible. I am convinced that Peter is the spider guy from YouTube he always has the lamest excuses for why he can't be somewhere or why he's hurt himself and I've also heard him and they sound very similar.
I sit with a girl name Michelle for some classes. She says to call her MJ.
"DINNER!" I hear Tony yell from below and I walk downstairs.

I sit down and at the table and start eating the mashed potatoes. Today I'm planning on asking my parents something important, what that is you may ask, well you'll see.

"Can I tell Peter, please?" I plead to my dad.

"What? That your my adopted daughter who doesn't remember anything from when your younger then eleven?" he replies.

"No... well, yeah... I guess."

"I'll think about it but remember you've only known him for a couple of months. But remember I've got my important things to worry about. Like those Sokovian twins."


I want to tell him it feels wrong to not. I have gone to his house so many times but he's never been to mine. I know all about his family but he hasn't heard and single thing about mine. He's going to start getting suspicious soon.


I get home from Peters and throw my backpack to the floor as I flop down on my bed. I put my head up and think about how much my life has changed, I don't even remember what life was like before Tony. For all I knew it could have been the exact same. I look around at my room everything is so expensive my vanity is worth like 1000 dollars. My clothes all so expensive but I feel like somethings still missing. I might never get to know who my real parents are or if their even alive. Don't get me wrong I love Tony and Pepper and their amazing parents but there not my reals ones. I don't even know who I was or anything all I know is that I was in the Reckage of the 2012 battle of New York.

I slowly walk over to my desk and start reading and filling out the homework sheet for English this week. I look beside me at the huge pile of work due in the next couple days ashamed of myself. "How could I let it get this way?" I thought to myself. I had always been on top of my work but lately I've been pretty busy. I've decided tonight I'm going to pull an all nighter and get everything done. I pretty much have 3-4 homework pieces for subject so I have some work to do. Luckily it's pretty easy for me since it was never hard I just let it all pile up from procrastination.

I continued to saw through the pile taking a few breaks in between to watch Pretty little liars. I've been binging it lately I'm already on season three. I can't believe Mona is A.(sorry if you were watching it and that was a spoiler)

I made sure to get the highest priority things done first anything past due of due tomorrow then worked my way to things due next week or later.

It's now 3:45am and I have just finished so I will have a few hours of sleep for school today. It's taking a lot of energy to not just watch Pretty Little Liars all night.

I woke up got ready and went school.

I'm bringing my work over to turn everything in. I wonder what I'm going to get I know I'm going to get a lower mark of some of them because they are late. Others I think I did pretty well, I'm not sure if I wrote enough though I should have wrote more. For some reason I have this need to have it the best but doubt the teachers will give me them back so I'll just have to see.
I meet Peter by locker, he's carrying his books again. He's always losing his binder and making up silly excuses as to why another reason I think that his is Spider kid or guy or whatever it is.

"What happened this time?" I say gesturing to his books.

"I- umm left it on the train station," he replies with absolutely no confidence.

"Really!" I reply, "That's the third time this month."

"What can I say I'm pretty forgetful," he states as he walk backwards towards his first class.

"You are?" I question after he's already left.

This is the only thing he's ever forgotten which is a bit suspicious but I don't know.

I follow him to Miss. Robertson class and I make it just in time for the bell.

Miss. Robertson hand me back my homework as a walk in I look at the mark 85.

"What!?!" I think to myself I though I at least deserved a 90 but I tried. Though I'm not happy with my mark I know some people a 85 would be a dream so I keep quiet.

A/N I have never gotten percents or letter grades(sadly) I have this stupid mastery scale thing but next year I'll get letter grades. Ok but the point is I don't really know how they work so I'm just guessing, correct me if I'm wrong.

She starts teaching the class but all I can think about is my grade I should have done better. I was so taken aback I didn't even notice how fast she got this back to me. I don't know if anyone understands what I mean but this is how I think. If it's not break taking it's not good enough.

"I got a 85!" I tell Peter and Ned.

"That's great," they both reply.

"No, it's not," I say with a kind of irritated voice.

"Why not?" Ned asks.

"I don't know but I feel the need to do the best and that is not it."

"Oh, well, that's not very good. I just go through school not really thinking but stilling trying," Peter replies.(I suck at comforting people or even writing people comforting people but I try)

We walk through the cafeteria grabbing food. I walk to our table with my food and sit down to eat.

The day wisps past me faster then I can overthink anymore yet I still do. 85!
85! 85! 85! 85! it's all I can think of. I don't know why I had never been obsessed with my grades in Jarvis school but I don't know I'll try not to think about it for the rest of the school day.

When I get home I talk the whole the whole thing through with Pepper and she is really helpful.

A/N once again me avoiding comforting someone I literally suck

I got to bed late and on top of that I can't fall asleep.

I wake up restless but I got to school anyway. Well it's not like I have a choice, I couldn't miss school even if I asked. I wanted to go to real school and Tony says that means I go to school everyday.

The nexts few days I'm fine; sure, when I think about it I shudder in utter disappointment of myself. But I think I won't care as much soon.

A/N I know there has been a lot about the 85% score and I promise I won't mention it again. I just find that overachiever aren't really represented in many Wattpad stories so I added that in this one.

I guess I was right-Y/N StarkWhere stories live. Discover now