All in, Always.

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A few weeks have passed since the release of Midsummers Dream and I couldn't feel better. My career truly has taken off and I couldn't be happier about where I'm heading. Each week has been filled with social events and gatherings with the cast, which even though I complain about them a lot, I do enjoy spending time with them. I'm starting to think of them more like family, now, though it may only be because I'm rather lonely.

It's the first week of July, which is ultimately when I'm always the happiest. I love celebrating the Fourth because it's a day full of food, booze, fireworks, and spending time with loved ones. This year, the whole cast is spending the weekend at Lina's beach house in Malibu. I'm excited to be with everyone despite my past opinions on them. Maybe I was just bitter, but I truly do like all of them—even when I act like I don't. I suppose I'm changing, though I'm not sure why. Nothing has changed other than the fact that I've gained an immense amount of success, money, and support as an actress. But, none of that truly matters to me. At this moment, I'm just happy being me.

I pack a decent-sized suitcase with my typical summer wear. I am sure to include outfits ranging from swimwear to everyday outfits that could work with any occasion. I enjoy being carefree, but never will I not travel unprepared.

I'm nervous to see Niall. We haven't seen each other much since we first made our stupid little bet, which has made it far too easy for the both of us. I obviously won't lose, but it still makes me feel a bit uneasy when thinking about it. Clearly, I can't control myself when I'm around him. I've been journaling about my feelings for a few years now, so when I started journaling about the way I feel about Niall, I began to understand myself a little bit better. I know I don't hate him, I mean, I always have known that. I've just been trying to convince myself that I do to make my life easier. Truth is, I'm scared of what I really could feel for him. I know that deep down he's a great person—I just hope I never have to see that he is, because once I do, I may as well just give up.

This is how I know I'm really screwed.

I toss my bags in the trunk of Fawn's car and make my way into her back seat next to Chase. "You ready to tear shit up?" he gives me a convincing smile. I nod my head as we pull out of my driveway and begin the drive to Malibu. I close my eyes for a few minutes and wake up when the car comes to a halt. I pry open one eye to see that we are parked in front of a rather large white house. Instead of saying anything, I shoot Fawn a confused look. Before she can say anything, the trunk opens, causing me to turn around and look.

The sight of fluffy blonde hair first meets my gaze, followed by the icy flash known as his blue eyes. I try to look away before he notices, but I fail. "Miss me?" he mouths and raises his eyebrows. I roll my eyes which causes him to let out a rather audible chuckle. "Hurry up, jackass," Chase yells at him just as he presses the automatic button. "Watch your tone," he slams the door and slides into the back seat next to me.

Of course, he would.

"Don't you want to sit in the front?" I exaggerate a fake-nice tone. "Thank you for the offer, Liss, but I'm going to have to pass. There's more legroom back here," he entertains my annoyance. I give him the fakest smile I can put on and turn to talk to Chase. "Hey, if you guys don't mind I'm actually going to go sit upfront," he says in a somewhat sympathetic voice, knowing what he's leaving me with. "My condolences," he mouths with a smile as he squeezes my hand. "Fuck you, Costas," I unbuckle and move over a seat now that there's more room.

My sleepy eyes become heavier as the seconds pass by, and eventually, I drift off. I wake up to the sound of Niall ignorantly screaming the words to Sex on Fire by Kings of Leon. "Oh my gosh," I groan as my face drops into my hands.

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