Chapter 3 part 1of2

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^"Hades" image

                             D'aviné pov

"Hmmmm.... I suppose it's time to set out to get things in order before the plot start to at least assure me and my "family's" security plus to weaken the little damsel" I say muttering to myself.

'I should get him for myself today he should still be in that place why wait longer when I can get it done now... hmm yes I suppose I'll do that'. I get up and call Demir and tell him to help me prepare for an outing he will accompany me too. My family already told me I could go out whenever I wanted I just had to be back before it gets to dark out which is no problem this shouldn't take that long.

While we are boarding the carriage to set off to that place I couldn't help but notice Demir looking at me a bit confused. I turn to him and raise my eyebrow with a slight smile on my face in question. "Yes? Is there something you would like to say beautiful?" I ask him and I can say this with certainty I will never get tired of his reactions especially when he thinks I don't notice them.

"U-um well you see I was wondering where we were heading this place seems a bit off... I'm just curious you don't have to answer I was just concerned with your safety is all." He says a bit flustered.

"Well since you asked so cutely I'll tell you we are going to buy a slave." I say calmly smiling a bit at his wide eyed reaction since it's rare for him to react with his actual facial emotions.

"B-b-but isn't that a bit d-dangerous for you to go master ?!" He said with a concerned expression.

I get up and sat next to him and turned his face towards me with a teasing smirk on my face. I get close to his ear and whisper "but your here to protect me right? You wouldn't let anything bad happen to me would you?" Leaning back a bit to see his reaction and answer.

He holds my hand that's on his face closer and rubs against it a bit and look me in my eyes with a look that could only be called devotion and said " I would never let anything bad happen to you and I'll always protect you master."

I smiled and ran my fingers through his hair while leaning over to kiss the tips of his ears and whispered "good boy, see then there is nothing to worry about hmm? You'll be there with me so don't worry ok?"

He takes a deep breath and mutter a soft 'yes master'


I wanted to at least get something out so consider this a half a chapter I'll post the other half a bit later but ASAP I promise I hope this satisfied y'all a bit like I've been saying sorry if it's all over then place but I have terrible memory and my motivation is broken half the time

plus this story doesn't have a plot so it's gonna be a bit over the place yeah but I will try to keep it in check a bit I always make stuff sexual I can't help it 💀💀💀 imma have to work on that that's gonna be one of the flaws of this book out of many plus I don't even know if it's good stuff I don't reread and when I do I question how did it get there but hey 'it is what it is 🤷🏾‍♀️'

Good bye my lovelies until next time 💕💕

Reincarnated Into The Unloved Villain Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora