Midorima Shintaro

887 20 1

Title: Lucky item

The ball was coming right to you, you jumped up to spike it only to realise you had jumped too soon, you see your teammate from the corner of your eye, they spike the ball instead.
You were greatful but also annoyed at yourself.
You run back into position and block. Spike. Block. Recieve.
You followed the ball and read the court.
You were ready this time.
But then you felt your knee crack as you went in for a rough receive, you ignored the pain as you played.
Got to win.
Got to win.
Got to win.
...You did it. You won. A wave of relief hit you, an sod did a pain in your leg, you sigh wishing that Midorima was there to support you.
You limped home and collapse onto a near by chair.
'Shin-chan? I'm hungry. Can we get ramen?' You ask your boyfriend who was currently rewatching one of Serin's game.
'Later, nanodayo' he replied.
'But I'm hungry now' you whine, this time Midorima didn't reply and you huff, you'd just come back from a vollyball game absolutely exhausted as your lovely coach had arranged the game first thing in the morning.
You'd won of course and skipped the celebratory breakfast since you thought you'd be eating with your boyfriend.

Apparently not.

No reply.
You groan and throw yourself onto the sofa next to him, you shuffle over and place your head on his lap.
You looked up to see he still didn't look at you, only a faint blush dusted his cheeks. You stayed were you were for a while, deciding what to do. Eventually you got back up and went to have a shower, you changed into another pair of vollyball shorts and one of Midorima's jumpers then went to join your boyfriend who didn't even look at you when you entered.
You sighed and took a seat on his lap, you wrap your arms around his neck and moved around until you felt comfortable, you feel him stiffen at first then he wraps an arm around you. You fell asleep like that until someone decided to wake you.
'L-let's get some ramen nanodayo' Midorima stuttered, you smiled at him and ran to the door, eager for food.
'Come on come on come on! Shin-chan, I'm starving!' You whine, impatiently.
Once you were both ready you tugged Midorima along and sat down, you both ordered and sat in a comfortable silence.
'I had a vollyball match today'
'I know.'
'We won!'
'I know.'
'H-how...' You trailed off due to the lack of emotion on your boyfriends face.
'I was there' He admitted 'I saw you leave so i decided to come and cheer for you'
You sat in silence, your face turning more red every second.
'I-i thought you were waiting for your lucky item?' You stuttered and Midorima shrugged.
'You're more important' He states making your heart melt.
'Aw Shin-chan! You're the best' you say covering your tomato red face with your hands, your order finally came saving you from your flustered state.
'Wah! It looks so good!' You dig in immediately.
Midorima wore a small smile as he watched the person he loved most, after eating you both walked back to your shared dorm. You were in a good mood, you had won your game and had brunch with your boyfriend, nothing could ruin your mood...or so you thought.
You were walking slightly ahead of Midorima when your knee buckled, it happened so fast you barely had time to react.
You close your eyes instinctively, waiting for the impact but instead you felt strong arms wrap around you protectivly.
'Nice catch' you mumble, still dazed.
'Are you hurt? What happened to your knee? Was it during your game?' You had never seen Midorima this worried before...it made you feel happy that he did actually care about you.
'I hurt my knee a little during the game, it's probably just strained so I'll be fine' you reassure him but he doesn't let you go, instead he begins to carry you back home.
'What are you doi-'
'We wouldn't want you to get anymore hurt than you are already, nanodayo' he states
'Just be thankful that i caught you. Cancer's are to have great luck today'
'Ah that reminds me, what is your lucky item for today?' You ask suddenly curious as your realised your boyfriend wasn't holding any abnormal objects today.
'It's you'
Your face heats up for the hundredth time.

Just before Your game.

'Today's Oha Asa lucky item is something or someone you cherish and love more than everything else. Have this with yoy at all times today and you will surely have great luck today!'

Midorima sighed and went to your game, he didn't feel like being apart from you today anyway.

WOOOO this took me forever to write since i was so distracted buuut i hope it went alright!!
Tally ho

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