chapter 2. Bingus

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I dragged my feet to maths reluctantly, it was my first day and I was already getting bullied, I wasn't even sure myself why I hadn't just left already. I walked through the door, staring at all the faces of people I had never met wondering how many were truly staring back, "your seat is just over there." said my teacher pointing at a vacant seat near the back of the room. Walking over I realised who I had been sat next to, the only person who had been nice to me at all since I had arrived here, Uni, a smile tried to creep its way onto my face but I pushed it back down I had always thought of myself as an ugly smiler so didn't want to give the people in this room more reason to bully me. I sat down my half ripped bag thudding to the ground as the strain on the straps had finally been released Uni smiled at me that one smile telling me I had at least one friend in this place, which I could confidently say to anyone, was hell on earth the lesson began and the teacher began handing out tests which I personally found to be easy but judging by the look on the others facing wasn't.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2021 ⏰

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