chapter 1. Uni

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"U-Uh sorry" said the new kid bumping into me, while I was on the way to the school canteen, he scrambled on the floor picking up the folders of books he had dropped, I knelt on the floor to help and our eyes locked, he had golden-hazel eyes that captured the minds of all who looked at them "I'm Bingus" he mumbled under his breath his cheeks getting visibly redder by the second   "Uni" I announced trying to make a conversation with this man "nice to meet you" I extended my hand to help him up but he had already made his way to feet and started running off to class after nodding at what I had just said. I bid him farewell before making my way to the line in the canteen, after I bought my pizza (the best school meal) I continued to my friends table and found they were talking about the new kid I listened intently zoning out frequently thinking about my earlier encounter that was until I saw him, out the corner of my eye, laughing with friends about something I couldn't tell I fell into a daydream, me and Bingus, we were sitting behind the school together under the shade of the great oak tree on the hill staring into each others eyes dreamingly and then... The bell rang and snapped me out of my daydream at the best part, I had maths next so I grabbed my bag and made my to class it was only then I saw it...

Uni and BingusNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ