Chapter 5

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  (The phone case^^^)

Yuno had just finished his lunch. He was about to walk to his next class when he received a phone call. Gently reaching into his pocket, he took his phone out only to find out he didn't recognize the user who was calling him. Noelle? But he had never saved anyone's number with the name of "Noelle" let alone put a red heart right beside the name.

He immediately turned his phone to the back just to ensure if it was the right phone case he used on his phone. After confirming that that was indeed his phone case, he picked the call.

"Hello, Mimosa..." And with that. Yuno immediately ended the call. What?!!  Yuno was very confused. He turned the phone on again and finally confirmed his suspicion. That was the exact phone case he uses and he was 100% sure that it wasn't the phone his grandma bought for him and the lock screen wallpaper confirmed it.

The background of the lock screen was a picture of Mimosa and Noelle. It was a selfie they took of themselves when their family went to Hawaii for a vacation. Yuno was very annoyed by the situation. Out of everyone in this school, why her...? Sigh. what if his phone was still where he left it--but the possibilities for that was very low since they both have the same phone case. It's safe to assume Mimosa has his phone with her.

On the bright side, he would be able to go through the day without receiving phone calls from his mom and grandma. They may be his family, but they always call him to complain about irrelevant things. It's always tiring listening to them. Not that his mom asks him how his day went, but it's always about her complaining about how she couldn't find one single earring or the other. Unlike his mom, his grandma calls to ask him about his day every hour, as if he is still a child who needs the attention.

He also hates calls from his fake toxic friends. They always act like his friends when he is with them but when he isn't around, they backbite about him with loads of trash-talk. Most of them are only there to get money from him, knowing his father is extremely rich. They asked to go out with him and make him pay for everything by guilt-tripping him. They always text him like they are concerned about him but it was obvious that they are concerned for his money the most. The only true friend he had was Klaus. They met at a formal ball in France with their parents and they grew close afterward.

Klaus is probably the person he trusts the most. His mom cares about nothing but money and his dad? Ha! He remembered when he used to be so close to his dad. He loved his dad so much. His father always took care of him and his mother, even though his mom was nothing but a gold-digger. Anything he does to make his father proud would just never be enough. The world is filled with people who use others for money...

At this point, Yuno began to contemplate if he should just forget about his phone and just get himself a new one instead. He'll just throw Mimosa's phone in the garbage-bin just to piss her off. He couldn't stand one conversation with her. Right from when they were kids, he always hated her. He wouldn't say "hate" since it was a very strong word but he disliked her. She was the reason why he and his father aren't close anymore or so he wanted to think.

Walking down the hallway to the nearest trashcan he could find, he looked at the phone again, turning on the phone, he was met with a request to enter in a passcode because his face wasn't matching the face ID. Yuno couldn't imagine what a girl like Mimosa would put as her passcode. He decided to guess by putting in 00000 as his first try. Surprisingly, it worked. Yuno let out an evil smirk and with that, he walked past the trash can. What a dumbass.


You see, Yuno and Mimosa's relationship hasn't always been like this. They used to be friends from when they were young until...

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