Chapter 4

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Clover Elite High as the name implies is a distinguished school made for children from rich and famous families. It is made up of the best teachers, a fair share of security guards, and the highly equipped. Every year, rich and famous CEOs, Influencers, Business men, Celebrities, Royals, and VIPs from around the world bring their children to Clover Elite High with the expectation of training to be top VIP and influential people while also building them up intellectually. Clover High has been ran by the Kira family for many years and is strictly made available for the elite for security purposes but as of 5 years ago, it was decided that some "not special" children should be given a chance to go to Clover Elite High so a crew of businessmen decided to sponsor 10 applicants.

Each year, over 300,000 children from around the world take the CEH exam, and if by chance they get chosen as one of the 10 applicants, their education would be sponsored until they graduate, but of course, after properly inspecting their family background. The Kira family agreed on 10 applicants because within the years when it was up to 1,000 students that could be accepted due to the huge amount of money donated to the school by parents but then the number of crazy fans taking the exams just to be able to be close to their idols increased even though there was high security provided for every student. There were even some cases of assault and the value of the school reduced. Not long after, it was decided that only 10 lucky underling students would be accepted into Clover High but of course after a proper background investigation.

Asta, an orphan who knows nothing about his biological parents, was lucky enough to be one of the students accepted to Clover High. Asta had lived with his grandmother for as long as he could remember. They weren't rich, but Asta still made sure to find a way to provide for them both. Asta's grandma has always been a hardworking and cheerful woman but sadly, 18 years ago, she lost her daughter and son in law in a car accident and was left with the duty to raise their 1 year old child. Though they were poor, Asta's grandma still worked hard to provide for them.

When Asta was 17, his grandma broke her back. Asta, being the only one who could take care of her, applied for multiple jobs. Luckily for him, he was already accepted into Clover High. Truth be told, Asta never wanted to go to Clover High, but he couldn't ignore the fact that if he wanted to easily get a very good job with just a show of a certificate, then Clover High was the best choice. Because of how popular Clover High is, anyone could quickly get hired with just a proof of graduating from the school. Asta wasn't planning on going to college so of course he had to go to Clover High. He was extremely brilliant and wouldn't want to waste it. Plus, it would probably make it easier for his grandma. Luckily Asta got was able to get a scholarship to Clover High with other 9 students.

Asta is a very hardworking boy. He's studying business management. He had always wanted to work in an office of a big company, with a good pay too since he was young. Unfortunately, when Asta was 17, he received a call from the hospital telling him that his grandmother was in the hospital with a now broken back. Asta ran out of class just to go check on his grandma. He remembered seeing a smile on his grandma's face even though she was in pain. She overworked herself just to make sure Asta has a good childhood. After realizing that, Asta quickly picked up on an after school job in order to pay off his grandma's hospital bill. Every morning, Asta makes sure to send fruit to the hospital as well. He also always finds time to visit his grandma any chance he gets.


Asta had just finished his last class before Lunch break. Once the bell rang, a student immediately stood up due to how boring Mr. Jack's class was. It has always been like this, Mr. Jack was the most disrespected teacher. Well... that's what happens when you teach history.

"Hey, sit down! I'm not done teaching yet." Mr. Jack strictly ordered.

"Sorry, Sir, but the bell already dismissed us. Bye~" A black girl said as she walked out of class. It seems like she has a lot of influence on her classmates as they didn't hesitate to follow behind her.

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