Chapter 3: Personality

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'...' Thoughts


[Ddraig speaking}


=Line Break= {With Azazel in his apartment}

Azazel who has a magic circle at the side of his left ear is displaying an idiotic expression that he rarely shows during his whole lifetime.

"...A-are you really serious about this, Vali?" Azazel asks.

Vali has sent a private channel to Azazel earlier.

[Yeah.'s a she now i guess. She is wishing for this. I'm also interested in this, so i want it to happen]

"...It's you that were talking about. That's not the only reason right?"

[You are sharp as always. That is also the reason why you are getting alienated from other factions.]

'Just by hearing his voice i can tell this guy is smirking...' Azazel thought

"It's none of your business."

[I heard that because you are going around being involved in things which "isn't any of your business" , there are those that are thinking that "Perhaps this guy is plotting something" Correct?]

"...Well, this is my nature. If someone was to attack me from the back, then i will accept it." Azazel sighed.

[...There are those who are after her.] Vali mutters.

"Of course there are. That is obvious. And there are immeasurable number of those at that. But everyone is having a bitter time because no one can eliminate her."

[That may be true , but it seems like there will be those in our organization who are hoping the same thing. No, it's about time they will make their move.]

"-Are you trying to lure 'him' out?"

[I'm just going to make it clear whether he is my enemy or not.]

Vali then continued

[Well, he's most likely an enemy. -It's time to settle this. Anyway,what's Hyoudou Issei's condition in the hospital right now?]

"Ooh, caring deeply for your rival i see. Well, like you're gonna kill him cowardly. He is just fine but he will be detained in the hospital for 2 weeks and his heart will be in medical prosedure overtime. Else that...Issei is depressed but i don't know what's the main cause of it."

[This is what i expected, she told me that the Hyoudou Issei's aura signature is not fully dragon but, a mix of a fallen angel...]

"So, she can also sense dragon's aura signature huhh, but why Issei's aura signature has a fallen angel's aura in it?."

[I do not know, that is why she wants to meet Hyoudou Issei but i'll send one of my members from my team to escort her. But don't worry, i am sure the escort's presence will help Hyoudou Issei's problems]

"So that's the other reason huhh, Well then, were gonna have a hard discussion with the Maou's in the Underworld with this"Azazel sighed a bit. He then continued,

"But i'm sure that they will grant her request, Since your team helped alot during the fight Loki and your team's good behavior while staying at Issei's residence" Azazel chuckled, remembering the funny and awkward moments when the Vali team was staying at Issei's residence.

[I see, Well-lets go, we have a request from a dragon-god to grant]

=Line Break= {Issei's room in the Underworld hospital}

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