Chapter Thirty Four

Start from the beginning

I managed to keep it together for the most part, knowing I had to be locked in for our visit to that disgusting court. It didn't stop my overactive imagination from picturing every little thing I wanted to do to her, starting with shredding that dress off with my teeth. Then I had to suffer through the lust obvious in every man that looked at her at that court, even with Rhysand draped over her in the most predatory and possessive of manners.

It was a miracle they were all still breathing.

But because she was Aelin, because she was my fucking warrior, she had to go and absolutely destroy Keir, terrifying him within an inch of his life. In that moment, watching her wield her absolute power and superiority over that worm of a male, all in defense of her friend, my sister, I was done.

I was completely, utterly, done for.

And I was tired of letting her get away with it.

She was going to admit what was between us if it was the last thing I did. I'd had enough of watching her finally open up to Rowan and Rhysand. Enough of seeing the subtle signs of their mating while acting as if I wasn't completely ruined by this woman.

Aelin was my mate, and it was time for her to fucking admit it.

I knew Az felt the same, which was why he was leaning faux casually against the wall, pretending he wasn't tracking every minute twitch Aelin made. It was past time for this, and as brothers to the end - I knew we'd end up claiming our mate together. Cauldron help her if she thought she could get out of this one.

I stretched my arm over my head, subtly flexing as Aelin's eyes tracked over my exposed chest. I swore I could feel her gaze on my skin like a brand. Hoping up, I smirked at her, forcing a bravado I didn't quite feel, doubt squirming under my skin that the reason she hadn't said anything was because she didn't want a low-born Ilryian bastard as her mate. Ignoring my errant thoughts, I drawled, "I think we should forgo the weapons this time, little warrior. Let's see how you do when it's just fae against fae."

Snapping back to the moment, Aelin's eyes met mine. A slow smirk graced her gorgeous mouth, "If you're sure you want to be humiliated that way Cass, I'm all for it."

Gesturing towards the ring, I stalked forward, ready to get this over with. I had no real hope of defeating Aelin, I knew she far outclassed me in every way imaginable. That wasn't what this was about.

I turned, set in my ready position as Aelin followed me into the ring. I allowed myself one moment to rake my eyes over the sight of her in training leathers. The tight-fitting leather showcased her figure in a way that made my mouth water before I shook myself free of dangerous thoughts. Focusing on her piercing eyes instead, I called out to Azriel, "Ref this, will you brother?"

My eyes tracked Aelin, waiting for an indication that she was ready to begin. Clearly understanding I was waiting on her, Aelin sent me a dirty smirk, "Whenever you're ready to get your ass handed to you, puppy."

Well, if that's how she wanted to play it.

Without further warning, I launched myself at her. Arms outstretched to grapple her to the ground, Aelin gracefully ducked under my arm, leaving me stumbling to control my larger weight when I met no resistance. I whirled around, catching her eyes dancing with glee at my failed attack.

That's fine, I didn't need this to last long.

Not even bothering to attempt a different maneuver, I dove towards her again, unsurprised when she deflected me once more. However this time, she didn't merely avoid my attack, but lashed out at the speed of light, sweeping my feet out from under me. I crashed hard into the ground, and she followed, landing on top of me with her hips pinning me and a hand to my throat, palm slightly warm to indicate the threat of her power.

The air knocked out of me, I watched in awe as she laughed above me, mocking, "You didn't actually think that would work, did you Cass?"

"I'd say it worked pretty well. It got my mate on top of me, didn't it?" I rasped at her.

Shock had her features blanching, grip loosening as my words hit their intended mark. Not giving her a moment to recover, I flipped us so she was on her back on the hard floor of the training ring. I hovered over her, arms framing her head, caging her beneath me. The sight of her under me threatened to undo me, the golden halo of her hair exactly like I pictured it would be in my many, many fantasies starring this female.

Not yet.

I leaned down, breath ghosting her ear as I taunted her, "What's wrong, little mate. Didn't think I knew?"

Lifting my head, I stared directly into her stunning, turquoise orbs, daring her to get out of this one. Suddenly, I was furious.

"Did you really think you could get away with not telling me, little warrior? That I was one of your fucking mates?"

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